
With tender glances my heart is captivated and slain

وأهيف القد بالقلوب هفا

1. With tender glances my heart is captivated and slain
By his rosy cheek that brought me delight and pain

١. وَأَهيَفِ القَدِّ بِالقُلوبِ هَفا
أَورَدَني وَردُ خَدِّهِ تَلَفا

2. I became like Yaqoob, longing and yearning for him
And he became my Yusuf, alas my longing in vain

٢. فَصرتُ يَعقوبَهُ هَوىً وَجَوىً
وَصارَ لي يوسُفاً فَوا أَسَفا

3. By God, if he would visit me, oh what elation
Yet I am unworthy of his affection

٣. وَاللَه لَو جادَ بِالزِيارَةِ لي
مَن أَنا مِنهُ عَلى شَفاً لِشَفا

4. When he turns his gaze, my strength starts to wane
As the crescent moon starts to curve and wane

٤. إِن ماجَ رَدَّ القَضيبَ مُنخَذِلاً
أَو لاحَ راحَ الهِلالُ مُنخَسِفا

5. How his glances make my heart ache and bleed
While my admiring eyes make his cheek flush red

٥. كَم جَرَحَ القَلبَ بِاللِحاظِ وَكَم
جَرَحتُ بِاللَحظِ خَدَّهُ تَرَفا

6. His body is like water of such gentleness
But my heart for him burns with eagerness

٦. كَأَنَّما جِسمُهُ لِرِقَّتِهِ
ماءُ صَفاً لَكِن الفُؤادُ صَفا

7. O you who fills hearts with passion, have mercy
On this long suffering lover, his patience did tire

٧. يا عامِرَ القَلبِ بِالغَرامِ أَجِر
مُتَيَّماً صَبرُهُ الجَميلُ عَفا

8. My ignorant critic questions my devotion for you
Adding to my burden, my longing renewed

٨. جاءَ عَذولي جَهلاً يُكَلِّفُني
عَنكَ سُلُوّاً فَزادَني كَلَفا

9. Stop blaming me, do not add to my pain
My love for you is enough, do not rend me in twain

٩. اُكفُف مَلامي وَلا تَزِد أَلَمي
حَسبِيَ ما بي مِنَ الهَوى وَكَفى

10. Beauty itself wrote with coyness and charm
On the apple of his cheek, sentences to entrance

١٠. قَد كَتَبَ الحُسنُ بِالعِذارِ عَلى
كاغِدِ تُفّاحِ خَدِّهِ أَلِفا

11. As if he were a lover of his own beauty
When they met they just paused and stood unmovingly

١١. كَأَنَّهُ عاشِقٌ لِوَجنَتِهِ
حَتّى إِذا ما تَقابَلا وَقَفا

12. His beauty exceeds all possible depiction
Leaving all who would describe it without conviction

١٢. نالَ مِنَ الحُسنِ فَوقَ مُنيَتِهِ
فَعاجِزٌ عَنهُ كُلُّ مَن وَصَفا

13. The scorpions of his braided hair crawled down his cheek
Fearing the sting of his flame, they did not dare creep

١٣. دَبَّت على خَدِّهِ عَقارِبُ صُد
غَيهِ فَخافَت مِن نارِهِ التَلَفا

14. So they turned away, fearing to be burned
If but fire made them fear, they would not have turned

١٤. فَاِنعَطَفَت خيفَةَ الحَريقِ وَلَو
كانَ يَخافُ الحَريقَ لانعَطَفا

15. We pluck the fruits of his beauty again and again
Yet from his cheeks the harvest will never wane

١٥. نَقطِفُ مِن وَجهِهِ جَنى جنة ال
حُسنِ فَيَزدادُ كُلَّما قُطِعا