
No, by the camels that roam the desert,

لا والمطايا يعتسفن البيدا

1. No, by the camels that roam the desert,
Traversing the sands of Zarud relentlessly,

١. لا وَالمَطايا يَعتَسِفنَ البيدا
بَلوى زَرودَ يَدُسنَ رَملَ زَرودا

2. Dyeing the pebbles white with their droppings,
Hot dung that almost crumbles the solidified sand.

٢. يَخضُبنَ مُبيَضَّ الحَصى بِمَناسِمٍ
حُمٍّ تَكادُ تُفَتِّتُ الجُلمودا

3. Never before have we seen she-camels
Bearing in their bellies lion cubs.

٣. ما إِن رَأَينا يَعمَلاتٍ قَبلَها
يَحمِلنَ في أَكوارِهِنَّ أُسودا

4. So mentioning is a virtue, and the virtuous are imams,
Chanting while bowing down and prostrating in prayer.

٤. فَالحَدوُ ذِكرٌ وَالحُداةُ أَئِمَّةٌ
يَحدونَ رَكباً رُكَّعاً وَسُجودا

5. Some faces seemed black amongst the sand dunes,
As white faces peered through the mirages.

٥. قَد لَوَّحتَهُم في القِفارِ هَواجِرٌ
مِنها الوُجوهُ البيضُ تَبدو سودا

6. Like ostrich eggs scattered in the camel litters,
Their cheeks scraping the ground as they bowed down in prayer.

٦. مِثلُ القَشاعِمِ في ذُرى الأَكوارِ كَال
أَوكارِ شَدّوا بِالأَكُفِّ خُدودا

7. Wrapping their turbans around their heads,
And donning robes over their riding camels.

٧. لاثوا عمائِمَهُم عَلى هاماتِهِم
وَتَسربَلوا فَوقَ الرِكابِ بُرودا

8. Until they reached Prophet Muhammad,
They laid their faces upon pebbles and sand.

٨. حَتّى إِذا بَلَغوا النَبِيَّ مُحَمَّداً
فَرَشوا لِأَوجُهِهِم حَصىً وَصَعيدا

9. They came to him in multitudes, not just a few,
Only their foreheads and cheeks visible as they prostrated.

٩. أَمّوهُ أَنضاءً عَلى الأَنضاءِ ما
يَبدونَ إِلّا أَعظُماً وَجُلودا

10. As if they were swords unsheathed for battle,
On the day of battle they had cast off their scabbards.

١٠. وَكَأَنَّهُم عِندَ النِزالِ صَوارِمٌ
قَد فارَقَت يَومَ النِزالِ غُمودا

11. They sought blessing by kissing the soil
Of the best of mankind, who vanquished misguidance and affirmed God's Oneness.

١١. يَتَبَرَّكونَ بِلَثمِ تُربَةِ خَيرِ مَن
قَهَرَ الضَلالَ وَأَظهَرَ التَوحيدا

12. May God send blessings upon him, for as long as
The stars shine at night and the dawn brings daylight.

١٢. صَلّى عَلَيهِ اللَهُ ما أَبدى الدُجى
نَجماً وَما رَفَعَ الصَباحُ عَمودا

13. As if they had drunk wine from clustered grapes,
The finest clusters for the finest throats.

١٣. وَكَأَنَّهُم شَربٌ تَعاطَوا قَرقَفاً
عُنقودُها أَكرِم بِهِ عُنقودا

14. Araq of the Sarafeer distilled by the skillful hands
Of the wine-mixer into perfect beads.

١٤. راحٌ صَريفينِيَّةٌ صاغَت لَها
كَفُّ المِزاجِ مِنَ الحَبابِ عُقودا

15. With its flowing, the cupbearer sets the lute aflame,
And with his singing, the crooner sets the lute strings aquiver.

١٥. مِن نَشرِها الساقي يُحَرِّق عودا
وَبِشَدوِهِ الشادي يُحَرِّكَ عودا

16. As if the camel litter were challenging with praise of the Honorable,
The Glorious Faith, traversing the desert lands.

١٦. وَكَأَنَّما تُحدى النِياقُ بِمَدحِ عِز
زِ الدِّينِ إِذ تُحدى فَتَطوي البيدا

17. O Prince Asam, your hand is accustomed to
Stroking with its palm and giving with its back.

١٧. لَكَ يا أُسامُ يَدٌ تَعَوَّدَ ظَهرُها
لَثماً وَباطِنُها تَعَوَّدَ جودا

18. And your white hands ward off from your people
The clutches of calamities, dark as the night.

١٨. وَلَكَ الأَيادي البيضُ تَدرَأُ عَن بَني ال
آمالِ أَنيابَ النَوائِبِ سودا

19. Have you built a house, tell us, or is it Paradise
That God has granted you, eternal and forever?

١٩. أَبَنَيتَ داراً قُل لَنا أَم جَنَّةَ ال
مَأوى حَباكَ بِها الإِلَهُ خُلودا

20. Its walls are solid gold and its water
Is melted pearls for those who visit it.

٢٠. حيطانُها الذَهَبُ السَبيكُ وَماؤُها
ذَوبُ اللُجَينِ لِمَن أَرادَ وُرودا

21. As if the oranges in its orchards
Offer gifts of citrus fruits from laden boughs.

٢١. وَكَأَنَّما النارِنجُ في بُستانِها
يُهدي مِنَ الغيدِ الحِسانِ نُهودا

22. As if its branches are banquet tables
Bent by the weight of succulent fruit.

٢٢. وَكَأَنَّما فيهِ الغُصونُ موائِساً
رَنَّحنَ مِن هَيَفِ الخصورِ قُدودا

23. As if its marble is running water,
Flowing, unable to remain still.

٢٣. وَكَأَنَّما فيهِ الرُخامُ الماءُ سَيّا
لاً هُريقَ فَما يُطيقُ جُمودا

24. As if the oranges are a raging fire
Whose flames the green leaves cannot hide.

٢٤. وَكَأَنَّما النارِنجُ نارٌ أُجِّجَت
لَم تُبدِ في خُضرِ الغُصونِ خُمودا

25. A house joy has made its rounds,
While palaces pale in comparison, as do city walls.

٢٥. دارٌ تديَّرَها السُرورُ فَقَصَّرَت
عَنها القُصورُ وَصدت فيها الصيدا

26. How many straits have you rescued your people from,
When ravenous wolves besieged them as lambs?

٢٦. كَم مَأَزِقٍ غادَرتَ أَبطالَ العِدا
فيهِ ثَعالِبَ إِذ أَتَوهُ أُسودا

27. Their heads were ripe fruit and their spear handles
Were blossoming branches and polished lances.

٢٧. وَرُؤوسهُم ثَمَراً وَخِرصان القَنا
زَهراً وَأَوراقَ الرِماحِ بُنودا

28. You have raised a star in the sky that rivals
Saad al-Su'ud, and you have remained always fortunate.

٢٨. أَطلَعتَ كَوكَبَ في السَماءِ كَأَنَّهُ
سَعدُ السُعودِ فَلا بَرِحتَ سَعيدا

29. So your enemies see it as Saad the Slaughterer,
A deceitful backstabber and turncoat.

٢٩. فَيَراهُ مَن عاداكَ سَعدَ الذابِحِ ال
قَطّاعِ مِنهُ أَخادِعاً وَوَريدا

30. With Ajlun Castle you threatened your enemies,
A fortress whose height and prominence exhausted their climb.

٣٠. بِبِناءِ عَجلونٍ تَهَدَّدت العِدا
عَجلاً يَهدُّ بِلادَها تَهديدا

31. Had it not been for your munificence in desolate places,
The destitute would have perished in their days.

٣١. حِصنٌ سَما بِصُعودِهِ وَسُعودِهِ
طولاً فَأَرهَقَ من عَصاكَ صُعودا

32. You upheld the rights of orphans and widows,
When no generosity could be found.

٣٢. لَولا جِفانُكَ في الفَلاءِ لأَصبَحَ ال
مَوجودُ في أَيّامِهِ مَفقودا

33. You drove away the armored horseman amidst the fray
On the tumultuous day of clamorous thunder.

٣٣. عُلتَ اليَتامى وَالأَرامِلَ جائِداً
إِذ لَم تِكُن جودٌ يُرى مَوجودا

34. My Master, Glory of the Faith, a loyal man's prayer
Continually bestows upon you new praise.

٣٤. وَرَدَدتَ عَنكَ الفارِسَ الصِنديدَ في
يَومِ الهياجِ الفارِقَ الرِّعديدا

35. Hear a panegyric, which when I recite it amongst the people,
Puts the servants in awe of their masters.

٣٥. مَولايَ عِزَّ الدينِ دَعوَةَ مُخلِصٍ
مازالَ يَمنَحُكَ الثَناءَ جَديدا

36. Weighty yet gentle, transcending in eloquence,
It surpasses Labid in pedestrian verse.

٣٦. اِسمَع قَريضاً عِندَ إِنشادي لَهُ
في الناسِ يَجعَلُ في العَبيدِ عَبيدا

37. You, whom Sword of the Faith and the days
Have appointed as heir to the crown and throne.

٣٧. جَزلٌ رَقيقُ النَسجِ راقَ فَصاحَةً
يَثني لَبيداً في القَريضِ بَليدا

38. You, who have never betrayed a Sultan
Or broken a vow or neglected a promise.

٣٨. أَنتَ الَّذي أَعطاهُ سَيفُ الدينِ وَال
دنيا زِمامَ المُلكِ وَالإِقليدا

39. You have watered Taybah with the most pristine water,
Surpassing even the sweet, cool water of Al-Uthayb.

٣٩. أَنتَ الَّذي ما خانَ سُلطاناً وَلا
نَقَضَ الوَفاءَ وَلا أَضاعُ عُهودا

40. Receive glad tidings of drinking from the Basin,
When you are given drink by the Prince of the Faithful himself.

٤٠. أَسقَيتَ طَيبَةَ طيبَ ماءٍ دونَهُ
ماءُ العُذَيبِ عُذوبَةً وَبُرودا

41. You have left a memory that is sweet in this world
And in the next, where the Prophet will bear witness.

٤١. أَبشِر بِوِردِ الحَوضِ إِذ تَسقيكَهُ
يُمنى أَميرِ المُؤمِنينَ عَتيدا

42. I swear, if the Imam were to attempt
To add to your virtues, he would not be able to.

٤٢. أَبقَيتَ ذِكراً طابَ في الدُنيا وَفي ال
أُخرى تَجيءُ بِهِ النَبِيَّ شَهيدا

43. Glory escapes description, though words try to capture it,
And God who initiates and repeats, is the Healer.

٤٣. أَقسَمتُ لَو رامَ الإِمامُ زِيادَةً
مِن فَوقِ فِعلِكَ ما اِستَطاعَ مَزيدا

44. So your Lord has clothed you in the garment of wellbeing,
To bring you joy, though it vexes the envious.

٤٤. المَجدُ مِن شَكواكَ شاكٍ بَثَّهُ
وَاللَهُ شافٍ مُبدِئاً وَمُعيدا

45. When you are well to us, all will be well,
And we will celebrate the recovery of your foot.

٤٥. فَكَساكَ رَبُّكَ ثَوبَ عافِيَةٍ تَسُر
رُ بِها وَلِيّاً أَو تَسوءُ حَسودا

46. A foot with which you strove and circumambulated
Noble Mecca, so your striving remains praiseworthy.

٤٦. فَإِذا سَلِمتَ لَنا فَكُلٌّ سالِمٌ
وَبِبُرءِ رِجلِكِ نُظهِرُ التَعييدا

٤٧. قَدَمٌ سَعَيتَ بِها وَطُفتَ بِمَكَّةَ ال
عُظمى فَسَعيُكَ لَم يَزَل مَحمودا