1. The glances of your eyelids, are they mischievous or flirtatious?
For they make havoc of hearts wherever they turn.
١. لَحَظاتُ طَرفِكَ أَم نُصولُ
فَعَلى القُلوبِ بِها تَصولُ
2. They reached my heart, though I have no hope
of ever attaining union with you.
٢. وَصَلَت إِلى قَلبي وَلَي
سَ إِلى وِصالِكَ لي وُصولُ
3. Did the north wind make those branches sway
Or did they bend of their own accord?
٣. وَهَلِ الشَمائِلُ هَزَّها
مَرُّ الشَّمالِ أَم الشَمولُ
4. Those branches are my undoing,
though they originate from that firmly rooted tree.
٤. تِلكَ الفُروعُ قَواتِلي
عَمداً بِها تِلكَ الأُصولُ
5. From them I attained happiness,
yet fulfillment with you eludes me.
٥. مِنها حَصَلتُ عَلى الغَرا
مِ وَفاتَني مِنكَ الحُصولُ
6. You are the one whose love
has confounded minds and confused reason.
٦. أَنتَ الَّذي في حُبِّهِ
عُقِلَت عَنِ الصَبرِ العُقولُ
7. You are the one endowed with perfect beauty,
though you have done nothing to gain it.
٧. أَنتَ الَّذي حازَ الجَما
لَ وَما لَهُ فِعلٌ جَميلُ
8. I have come to love one who, by loving me,
has killed me, though I am the slain.
٨. أَصبَحتُ أَعشَقُ مَن هَوا
هُ قاتِلي وَأَنا القَتيلُ
9. No narcissus touched by your eyelids' dew
has faded, not a rose in your cheeks withered.
٩. ما مَسَّ نَرجِسَ مُقلَتَي
هِ وَوَردِ خَدَّيهِ ذُبولُ
10. Be just in your love before the time comes
when we must part, for departure is near.
١٠. اعدِل بِحبِّكَ قَبلَ أَن
يَمضي فَقَد حانَ الرَحيلُ
11. Unite me with the one I love, for our days
in this world are fleeting and few.
١١. صِلني بِذي الدُنيا فَإِن
نَ مُقامَنا فيها قَليلُ
12. My night is dark, your hair pitch black,
both are long and dense with shadow.
١٢. لَيلي وَشَعرُكَ فاحِما
نِ كِلاهُما وَحفٌ طَويلُ
13. My eyes are kohl the lids moisten
and mix into a black gritty smear.
١٣. بي أَكحَلُ الأَجفانِ يَح
سُدُ طَرفَهُ الرَشَأُ الكَحيلُ
Your lips are liquid honey poured clear,
١٤. فَرُضابُهُ العَسَلُ المُصَف
فى وَالشَرابُ السَلسَبيلُ
15. your drink pure cold water.
Why should I seek solace far from you
١٥. ما لي إِلى السُلوانِ عَنهُ
وَإِن كَوى كَبِدي سَبيلُ