1. With arms bare he tore his shirt
The lion crouched humbly before him
١. وَشادِنٍ شَقَّت يَداهُ القَميص
فَغودِرَ اللَيثُ لَدَيهِ القَنيص
2. With a heavy hip and slender waist
Below a round belly tucked in his shirt
٢. وَماسَ بِالرِدفِ ثَقيلاً وَبِال
خصرِ دَقيقاً تَحتَ بَطنٍ خَميص
3. Indeed I'm keen on loving one
Who spends his days bent on killing me
٣. إِنّي لَذو حِرصٍ على عِشقِ مَن
أَمسى عَلى قَتلي وَأَضحى حَريص
4. So I'm always in distress from his estrangement
Wandering lost or caged in distress
٤. فَكُلُّ وَقتٍ أَنا مِن هَجرِهِ
في حَيص بيصٍ راعَ أَو حِيصَ بِيص
5. He says to the lover when he came
In his confusion, is there any way out?
٥. يَقولُ لِلعاشِقِ لَمّا أَتى
في تيهِهِ يَخطُرُ هَل مِن مَحيص
6. So I said, O people, look at Joseph
The honest one when his shirt was taken off him
٦. فَقُلتُ يا قَوم انظُروا يوسُفَ ال
صِدِّيقَ لَمّا قُدَّ عَنهُ القَميص
7. How many roaring lions
In their dens shook with terror
٧. فَعِندها كم أَسَدٍ خادِرٍ
في عيصِهِ تُرعَدُ مِنهُ الفَريص
8. And the awe of the beloved
His lover sacrifices himself for it alone as a shirt
٨. وَهَيبَةُ المَعشوقِ يُضحي بِها
عاشِقُهُ دونَ سِواهُ قَنيص
9. His gray saliva mixed
With cold water is the essence
٩. ريقَتُهُ الصَّهباءُ مَمزوجَةً
مِن بَرَدى بِالماءِ وَهوَ البَريص