
The locks of the almond tree have turned white

شابت ذوائب لوز بقين

1. The locks of the almond tree have turned white
So rise, let us drink by the spring

١. شابَت ذَوائِبُ لَوزِ بُقَّينِ
فَاِنهَض بِنا نَشرَب عَلى العَينِ

2. I know that white hair, though seemly
Is yet the mark of old age

٢. عَهدي بِأَنَّ الشَيبَ مَنظَرُهُ
شَينٌ وَذا في غايَةِ الزَّينِ

3. This youth is but white hair
A wonder, this union of opposites

٣. هَذا الشَّبابُ هُوَ المَشيبُ أَلا
فَاِعجَب لِجَمعٍ بَينَ ضِدَّينِ

4. The days will replace what they promised
And mar the truth of speech with guile

٤. فَسَتُخلِفُ الأَيّامُ ما وَعَدَت
وَتَشوبُ صِدقَ القَولِ بِالمَينِ

5. Or have you not learned that their way
Is to divide those once close?

٥. أَوَ ما عَلِمتَ بِأَنَّ شيمَتَها
تَفريقُ ما بَينَ الفَريقَينِ