1. My beloved, do not blame me for my crescent moons,
And blame not he who blames unjustly, not for me,
١. عَذولي لا تَلُمني في هِلالي
وَلُم مَن لامَ ظُلماً فيهِ لا لي
2. He has the face of a gazelle when she first appears
At dawn, and the languor of a gazelle's glance,
٢. لَهُ وَجهُ الغَزالَةِ حينَ تَبدو
ضُحىً وَفُتورُ أَلحاظِ الغَزالِ
3. And from beneath the veil, a crescent of Eid
I protect its beauty from the evil eye,
٣. وَمِن تَحتِ اللِثامِ هِلالُ عيدٍ
سَناهُ أُعيذُ مِن عَينِ الكَمالِ
4. My heart was never devoid of love for him a day,
How could it be when his cheeks are so adorned?
٤. وَما قَلبي بِخالٍ مِنهُ يَوماً
فَكَيفَ وَخَدُّهُ بِالخالِ حالي
5. I swear I do not ask fate about him,
But I do ask about being unable to ask.
٥. وَأُقسِمُ لا سَلَوتُ الدَهرَ عَنهُ
وَلَكِنّي عَنِ السُلوانِ سالي
6. His love has possessed me though I was free,
And passion made me cheap though I was expensive.
٦. تَمَلَّكَني هَواهُ وَكُنتُ حُرّاً
وَأَرخَصَني الغَرامُ وَكُنتُ غالي
7. It makes white pearls flow from the black eyelids,
So I never cease from that struggle,
٧. يَسُلُّ مِنَ الجُفونِ السودِ بيضاً
فَما أَنفَكُّ مِنها في قِتالِ
8. I who am sick with love for him,
And love of another never occurred to me,
٨. أَنا البالي سَقاماً في هَواهُ
وَحُبُّ سِواهُ لَم يَخطُر بِبالي
9. His beauties weaken everything,
And are magnets for the hearts of men,
٩. مَحاسِنُهُ هَيولي كُلّ شَيءٍ
وَمغناطيسُ أَفئِدَةِ الرِّجالِ
10. He has a delicate, smooth complexion
Like silk that shines to the burnisher.
١٠. لَهُ بَشَرٌ أَنيقٌ ناعِمٌ كَال
حَريرِ يَشِفُّ لَمّاعَ الصِّقالِ
11. When placed before brocade he displays
Patterns from it, the ideal example.
١١. إِذا هُوَ قابَلَ الديباجَ أَبدى
نُقوشاً مِنهُ مُحكَمَةَ المِثالِ
12. It is as if God gathered for him
All aspects of beauty in one place.
١٢. كَأَنَّ اللَهَ جَمَّعَ فيهِ لَمّا
بَراهُ جَميعَ أَجزاءِ الجَمالِ
13. You see a bow in his brow, and his
Glances are arrows with sharpened tips.
١٣. تَرى قَوساً بِحاجِبِهِ وَراشَت
لَواحِظُهُ سِهاماً بِالنِّصالِ
14. The Turk has a strength, what strength
In his composure at times of strife!
١٤. فَلِلتُّركِيِّ بَأسٌ أَيُّ بَأسٍ
لَدى تَفويقِهِ عِندَ النِّضالِ
15. He sways with his whip in the dune, slender
And proportional, dignified in his poise.
١٥. يُرَنَّحُ في الكثيبِ قَضيبَ بانٍ
رَشيقَ القَدِّ أَهيَفَ ذا اِعتِدالِ
16. He smiles with brilliant white teeth atop red lips,
A lover of wine cups and rubies' shine.
١٦. وَيَبسِمُ عَن أَقاحٍ فَوقَ راحٍ
وَعَن حبَبِ الكُؤسِ وَعَن لَآلِ
17. He sees unlawful killing as an obligation,
With his magic speech of the lawful kind.
١٧. يرى قَتلي الحَرامَ عَلَيهِ فَرضاً
بِحُسنِ كَلامِهِ السِحرِ الحَلالِ
18. For him my soul is ransom, and everything
Dear to me of family and wealth.
١٨. لَهُ نَفسي الفِداءُ وَكُلُّ شَيءٍ
يَعزُّ عَلَيَّ مِن أَهلٍ وَمالِ
19. His charms have melted me into sickness
With their length and blackness like the nights.
١٩. ذُؤابَتُهُ أَذابَتني سَقاماً
بِطولٍ وَاِسوِدادٍ كَاللَيالي
20. He deserted me deceitfully, leaving me
A phantom, denying me even that.
٢٠. وَغادَرَني بِغَدرَتِهِ خَيالاً
وَضَنَّ عَلَيَّ حَتّى بِالخَيالِ
21. So my love is beyond the ultimate love,
But there is no way to union at all.
٢١. فَعِشقي فَوقَ غايَةِ كُلِّ عِشقٍ
وَلَكِن لا سَبيلَ إِلى الوِصالِ
22. My eyes are streaming, shedding tears,
While my heart burns with separation's fire.
٢٢. فَمن عَينَيَّ جارِيَةٌ عُيونٌ
وَلي قَلبٌ بِنارِ الهَجرِ صالي
23. The blood of doves is in his cheeks and mole,
His glance calls down torrents of rain.
٢٣. بِخَدَّيهِ وَوَجنَتِهِ دِماءُ ال
كُماةِ وَطَرفُهُ يَدعو نَزالِ
24. He enchants the brave horsemen,
With wondrous glances of high hopes.
٢٤. يُمِلُّ مَقاتِلَ الفُرسانِ قِدماً
بِأَلحاظٍ عَجيباتِ الأَمالي
25. My friend, serve me wine pure and direct
Far from water clear and pure.
٢٥. نَديمي سَقِّني الصَّهباءَ صِرفاً
وَنَزِّهها عَنِ الماءِ الزُّلالِ
26. Present it to me, the cup full,
Mix no forbidden with the lawful.
٢٦. وَبادِرني بِها وَالكَأسُ مَلأى
وَلا تَخلِط حَراماً بِالحَلالِ
27. It creeps through the bones of the regretful
Like the creeping of mites through fleece.
٢٧. فَإِنَّ لَها دَبيباً في عِظامِ ال
نَدامى كَالدَّبيبِ مِنَ النِمالِ
28. With both your hands bring us the pitcher,
Right and left, repeatedly.
٢٨. بِكِلتا راحَتَيكَ أَدِر عَلَينا ال
حُمَيّا بِاليَمينِ وَبِالشِمالِ
29. But beware of drinking when it intoxicates,
For its pleasure is not cheap.
٢٩. وَإِيّاكَ المِكاسَ لَدى شِراها
فَما غالي مَسَرَّتِها بِغالِ
30. The children of worries, their cure
From the harm of their world is the daughter of councils.
٣٠. فَأَبناءُ الهُمومِ دَواهُمُ مِن
أَذى دُنياهُمُ بِنتُ الدَّوالي