
He who blames the mule for stumbling

من لام لأن كبت البغله

1. He who blames the mule for stumbling
Is himself more foolish than its leg

١. مَن لامَ لأَن كَبَتِ البَغلَه
فَلَذَلِكَ أَحمَقُ مِن رِجلَه

2. Why were you not thunderstruck when you bore
The details of this world and the whole?

٢. لِمَ لَم تُصعَق لَمّا حَمَلَت
تَفصيلَ العالَمِ وَالجُملَه

3. With the sea of knowledge and the rope of resolve
Tell the story of your experience and make it concise

٣. وَبِبَحرَ العِلمِ وَطَودِ الحِل
مِ كَبَت وَسِواهُ اخبر تَقلَه

4. Congratulations Zayd, take it easy
Doubt and take it easy, doubt and gently

٤. فَهَنيئاً زَيدُ لَكَ اِطرِغشا
شُكَ وَاِبرِغشاشُكَ وَالمَهلَه

5. He who doubts that you're the master of people
In virtue, is the most ignorant

٥. مَن شَكَّ بِأَنَّكَ سَيِّدُ أَه
لِ الفَضلِ فَذاكَ هُوَ الأَبلَه

6. Happy is he who was faithful to you
And kissed your hand toward the qiblah

٦. ما أَسعَدَ مَن مِنهُم وافا
كَ وقَبَّلَ كَفَّكَ بِالقُبلَه

7. So the whole world is an eye
O you who are the exemplary human

٧. فَالعالَمُ كُلُّهُمُ عَينٌ
يا مَن هُوَ إِنسانُ المُقلَه

8. Baghdad envied Damascus because of you
And the raging envy is like the Tigris in flood

٨. حَسَدَت بَغدادُ دِمَشقَ عَلَي
كَ وَثَورَةُ حاسِدُها دِجلَه

9. It loves glory with the love of
The willing acceptance of al-Abbasi to Abilah

٩. وَتُحِبُّ المَجدَ مَحَبَّةَ عَن
تَرَةَ العَبسِيِّ رِضى عَبلَه

10. I apologize for my shortcoming
I have no power except through Allah

١٠. أَنا من تَقصيرِيَ مُعتَذِرٌ
لا قُوَّةَ لي إِلا بِاللَه

11. How many envious enemies returned
Intensely ill and bound tightly

١١. كَم ذي حَسَدٍ وافاكَ فَعا
دَ شَديدَ العِلَّة وَالغُلَّه

12. And were steadfast to enemies and steadfast
So he carried and the carried humiliated

١٢. وَثَبَتَّ لِأَعداءٍ وَثَبَت
فَكَبَت وَكَبَتَّ ذَوي الذِلَّه

13. Your manners, were it not for their perception
Would make you the imam of the faithless

١٣. آدابُكَ لَولا حِرفَتُها
صُيِّرتَ إِماماً لِلمِلَّه