1. Leave frivolous talk and sensual delight,
No more roaming to pasture or abandoned camp.
١. دَعِ النَسيبَ وَقَولَ اللَّهوِ وَالغَزَلِ
وَلا تُعَرِّج عَلى رَبعٍ وَلا طَلَلِ
2. Raise your voice at dawn amidst the valleys,
With a singer enchanting the camels.
٢. وَاِرفَع عَقيرَةَ شادٍ وَسطَ أَندِيَةٍ
وَصَوتَ حادٍ بِبيدٍ مُطرِبِ الإِبِلِ
3. Sing the praise of the best of earth's kings,
Say he is peerless everywhere in every realm.
٣. بِمَدحِ خَيرِ مُلوكِ الأَرضِ قاطِبَةً
قُل ذاكَ في كُلِّ إِقليمٍ وَلا تُبَلِ
4. The just king, the blessed ruler, deserves more
Than poems of yearning from singers and minstrels.
٤. فَالعادِلُ المَلِكُ المَيمونُ أَجدَرُ بِال
مَدحِ المُحَبَّر مِن حافٍ وَمُنتَعِلِ
5. He whose deeds through time have been guided
By the ways of past folk in the early days.
٥. هُوَ المَليكُ الَّذي في الدَهرِ سيرَتُهُ
أَزرَت بِسيرَةِ أَهلِ الأَعصرِ الأُوَلِ
6. His state through the justice of his reign has thrived
To tower aloft over other realms.
٦. وَأَصبَحَت بِعَميمِ العَدلِ دَولَتُهُ
غَرّاءَ باسِقَةً تَسمو عَلى الدُّوَلِ
7. In it pace Abu Bakr in his faith,
And the justice of Abi Hafs and the might of Ali.
٧. يَسيرُ فيها أَبو بَكرٍ بِدينِ أَبي
بَكرٍ وَعَدلِ أَبي حَفصٍ وَبَأسِ عَلي
8. In him we have seen the kings of earth as one king
Or better yet seen God's servants in one man.
٨. مِنهُ رَأَينا مُلوكَ الأَرضِ في مَلِكٍ
لا بَل رَأَينا عِبادَ اللَهِ في رَجُلِ
9. Clemency is his nature despite his mighty rule,
In it is found the easy temper and forbearance.
٩. فَالعَفوُ شيمَتُهُ في عِزِّ قُدرَتِهِ
فَفيهِ يوجَدُ طَبعُ السَهلِ وَالجَبَلِ
10. Gentle of person, fierce against foes in the fray,
In his reign he unites agreeableness and sternness.
١٠. سَهلُ الخَلائِقِ صَعبٌ في الوَغى شَرِسٌ
في المُلكِ يَجمَعُ بَينَ الصابِ وَالعَسَلِ
11. With his munificence he showers steeds as arrows
On the day of battle and white blades and brown.
١١. يَرمي العِدا بِوُجودِهِ الخَيل ساهِمَةً
يَومَ الوَغى وَصُدورِ البيضِ وَالأَسَلِ
12. His awe of bearing could almost in the clash of arms
Save him from need of blades and armored jackets.
١٢. تَكادُ تُغنيهِ في الهَيجاءِ هَيبَتُهُ
عَنِ الصَوارِمِ وَالعَسّالَةِ الذُبُلِ
13. His foes know no safety in this world and no
Allies of his pass the night feeling secure.
١٣. ما يَعرِفُ الأَمنَ في الدُّنيا مُحارِبُهُ
وَلا يَبيتُ مُواليهِ عَلى وَجَلِ
14. He has honed religion into a naked blade
With a cutting edge sharper than death itself.
١٤. قَد جَرَّدَ الدينَ سَيفاً مِن عَزائِمِهِ
مُهَنَّداً حَدُّهُ أَمضى مِنَ الأَجَلِ
15. When he unsheathes it against enemies in the fray
He is swiftest among them to deal fatal blows.
١٥. إِذا اِنتَضاهُ عَلى الأَعداءِ في رَهَجٍ
أَبارَهُم فَهوَ فيهِم سابِقُ العَذَلِ
16. The marches have in him a courageous rider, a valiant knight
Leading sorties, not to mention other brave cavaliers.
١٦. لِلثَغرِ مِنهُ شُجاعٌ فارِسٌ بَطَلٌ
ناهيكَ مِن فارِسٍ نَدبٍ وَمِن بَطَلِ
17. The pillars of his kingdom through his governance are made firm
Since he united its factions competently with no flaw.
١٧. قَواعِدُ المُلكِ مِن تَدبيرِهِ اِطَّأَدَت
مُذ ضَمَّ بِالعَذلِ قُطريهِ بِلا خَلَلِ
18. He sends back the messengers of earth's kings confounded,
No words however eloquent can equal the envoys.
١٨. يَرُدُّ رُسلَ مُلوكِ الأَرضِ مُدهَشَةً
فَما يُبَرهِنُ قَولاً أَفصَحُ الرُّسُلِ
19. They saw a lion in his coat of mail,
Belligerent, voracious in word and deed.
١٩. وَعايَنوا مَلِكاً في دِرعِهِ أَسَدٌ
غَضبانُ مُفتَرِسٌ بِالقَولِ وَالعَمَلِ
20. They saw one who repulses all the unrighteous
Baring his teeth with indignant rage.
٢٠. وَعايَنوا مِنهُ مُردي كُلِّ ذي لِبَدٍ
في الغيلِ يَكشِرُ عَن أَنيابِهِ العُصُلِ
21. Donning a well-wrought coat of mail while his heart
Wears over it an unpierced armor.
٢١. يَجتابُ دِرعاً دِلاصاً وَالفُؤادُ لَهُ
دِرعٌ عَلى الدِّرعِ ملبوسٌ بِلا فَشَلِ
22. His palm, the sea recoils from it, in it a stream flows,
In the tumult a fire kindled by flaming brands.
٢٢. فَكَفُّهُ البَحرُ فيهِ جَدوَلٌ وَبِهِ
نارٌ تَوَقَّدُ في الهَيجاءِ بِالشُّعَلِ
23. His coat of mail is like a pool ruffled by
The breeze but no raindrops can penetrate it.
٢٣. وَالدِّرعُ مِثلُ غَديرٍ حَرَّكَتهُ يَدُ ال
صَبا وَلَمّا يُصِبها مِنهُ مِن بَلَلِ
24. When he couched his lance it pierced deep
On the day of battle goring the hero's insides.
٢٤. ما أَشرَعَ الرُمحَ إِلّا غاصَ ثَعلَبُهُ
يَومَ الوَغى والِغاً في مُهجَةِ البَطَلِ
25. His bow thunders news crying out
Of its own and others' deepest passions.
٢٥. وَقَوسُهُ تَنبُضُ الأَنباء صارِخَةً
عَن كِبدِها وَعَنِ الأَكبادِ لَم تَزُلِ
26. As if its twanging voice whirring announced
That the horsemen are panicking in headlong flight.
٢٦. كَأَنَّما صَوتُها البازي يُصَرصِرُ فَال
فُرسانُ تَنفُرُ مِنهُ نَفرَةَ الحَجَلِ
27. O you who hope for good, set your course toward him,
You will find a king making good on your hopes.
٢٧. يا آمِلَ الخَيرِ يَمِّمهُ تَجِد مَلِكاً
مُحَقِّقَ الظَنِّ في جَدواهُ وَالأَمَلِ
28. His days ever increase in goodness and bounty,
As if Islam itself in its diverse sects.
٢٨. تَزدادُ أَيامُهُ حُسناً وَمَكرُمَةً
كَأَنَّها مِلَّةُ الإِسلامِ في المِلَلِ
29. His sons, the prey of his munificence, clouds
Of rain, and lions in acts of mighty import.
٢٩. أَبناؤُهُ الصّيدُ سُحبٌ عِندَ جودِهِمُ
غَيثٌ وَهُم أُسُدٌ في الحادِثِ الجَلَلِ
30. All their days are like brides when
They show themselves to us in ornament and finery.
٣٠. فَكُلُّ أَيّامِهِم مِثلُ العَرائِسِ إِذ
تَبدو لأَعيُنِنا في الحَليِ وَالحُلَلِ
31. They are the adornment of the kingdom, may they endure,
Without them the kingdom would be in default.
٣١. هُم حِليَةُ المُلكِ لا زالوا بِهِ أَبَداً
لَولا هُمُ فيهِ كانَ المُلكُ ذا عَطَلِ