1. They pelted the Jamraat, while in my heart
I would ransom them from the embers of wrath flaming
١. رَمَوا الجِمارَ وَفي فُؤادي مِنهُمُ
أَفديهُمُ جَمر الغَضا يَتَضَرَّمُ
2. When they came to Arafaat, they blamed us,
Though they made peace, why did they not make peace before?
٢. لَمّا أَتَوا عَرَفات اِشتَمَلوا عَلى
إِنكارِنا سَلِموا فَهَلّا سَلَّموا
3. On As-Safa he did not bid them farewell, though
A heart there is wandering and yearning
٣. وَعَلى الصَفا لَم يَصفُ وُدُّهُم وَلي
قَلبٌ هُناكَ مُتَيَّهٌ وَمُتَيَّمُ
4. They attained Al-Munaa with life when they attained from me
Until when tied to Zamzam, they clung to Zamzam
٤. بَلَغوا المُنى بِالعَيشِ إِذ بَلَغَت مِنىً
حَتّى إِذا زُمَّت بِزَمزَمَ زَمزَموا
5. They proclaimed Talbiyah openly to Allah, so it met
The flowing pearls, the organized pearls
٥. جَهَروا بِتَلبِيَةٍ الإِلَهِ فَصادَفَ ال
دُرَّ النَّثيرَ اللؤلُؤُ المُتَنَظِّمُ
6. And they turned to the Sacred Monument smiling,
Dazzling lightning flashing from it, softly laughing
٦. وَثَنَوا إِلى الحَجَرِ الأَحَمِّ مَباسِماً
عَنها البروقُ لَوامِعاً تَتَبَسَّمُ
7. Our faces on our circumambulation outshone
The morning sun, enviously melting away
٧. وَسَفَرنَ عِندَ طَوافِنا عَن أَوجُهٍ
شَمسُ الضُحى حَسَداً لَها تَتَلَثَّمُ
8. They intended the Ancient House for our murder
Evil is their action, but good is the House they intended
٨. هُم يَمَّموا البَيتَ العَتيقَ لِقَتلِنا
بِئسَ الفِعالُ وَنِعمَ بَيتاً يَمَّموا
9. When she glanced with eyes whose arrows
Make blood flow down cheeks
٩. لَمّا رَنَونَ بِأَعيُنٍ بِسِهامِها
تَجري عَلى الوَجناتِ مِنهُنَّ الدَّمُ
10. This is our treatment from them, and we follow their horsemen
Whether they decide rightly, or act treacherously, or blame
١٠. هَذا لَنا مِنهُم وَنَتبَعُ عيسَهُم
إِن أَيمَنوا أَو أَنجَدوا أَو أَتهَموا
11. Is their pilgrimage approved, when not a moment passes
Except one of them kills a Muslim?
١١. أَيَجوزُ حَجُّهُمُ وَما مِن لَحظَةٍ
إِلّا بِها مِنهُنَّ يُقتَلُ مُسلِمُ
12. Between me and the people is Najm al-Din, a scholar
Who has mastered the sciences and taught
١٢. بَيني وَبَينَ القَومِ نَجمُ الدينِ أَع
مَلُ مَن تَصَدَّرَ بِالعُلومِ وَأَعلَمُ
13. A sea, but filled with noble traits
A deep well, every other deep well has dried up before him
١٣. بَحرٌ وَلَكِن بِالمَكارِمِ مُفعَمٌ
حَبرٌ لَدَيهِ كُلُّ حَبرٍ مُفحَمُ
14. His pens give life to the regions; by them
The claws of disasters are trimmed
١٤. تَسقي الأَقاليمَ الحَيا أَقلامُهُ
وَبِهِنَّ أَظفارُ الخُطوبِ تُقَلّمُ
15. His resolves are meteors; through them
The devils of enemies are stoned from on high
١٥. عَزَماتُهُ شُهبٌ ثَواقِبُ في العُلا
مِنها شَياطينُ الأَعادي تُرجَمُ
16. Eulogies refuse to be composed for other than him
Loftily, and succeed when composed for him
١٦. تَأبى المَدائِحُ أَن تُصاغَ لِغَيرِهِ
كِبراً وَتَنجَحُ حينَ فيهِ تُنَظَّمُ
17. The adversaries before him are lions, terrified
By his roar in the assembly, dumbfounded
١٧. وَتُرى الخُصومُ لَدَيهِ شاءً راعَها
بِزَئيرِهِ في الحَفلِ مِنهُ ضَيغَمُ
18. Praise gushed forth, but I could not find anyone worthy of it
Other than him, so blame me not for blame
١٨. جاشَ المَديحُ فَلَم أَجِد أَهلاً لَهُ
أَحَداً سِواهُ فَلَم تَلُمني اللُّوَّمُ
19. None can match him, and if an equal were found
In our time, no equal could be found
١٩. عُدِمَ النَّظيرُ لَهُ وَلَو وُجِدَ الغِنى
في دَهرِنا ما كانَ يوجَدُ مُعدِمُ
20. If he were empowered over the world, he would freely give it
To one who sought his favor, not regretting
٢٠. لَو مُلِّكَ الدُّنيا لَجادَ بِها عَلى
مَن يَعتَفيهِ مُبادِراً لا يَندَمُ
21. When he saw the base world and its people
Whose god is their dinar and dirham
٢١. لَمّا رَأى الدُنيا الدَنِيَّةَ أَهلُها
مَعبودُهُم دينارُهُم وَالدِّرهَمُ
22. He abandoned wealth and built for himself the best building
He succeeded in his efforts, so excellent is that which he attained
٢٢. هَجَرَ الغِنى وَبَنى لَهُ خَيرَ البُنا
غَنِمَت مَساعيهِ فَنِعمَ المَغنَمُ
23. Whoever this was their conduct in their time
Then Allah shall destine for them every good thing
٢٣. مَن كانَ هَذا فِعلُهُ في دَهرِهِ
فَلَهُ الإِلَهُ بِكُلِّ خَيرٍ يَحتِمُ
24. Awake to earning praise, abstaining
From worldly desires and cravings
٢٤. يَقِظٌ عَلى كَسبِ المَحامِدِ مُقدِمٌ
وَعَنِ الدَنايا وَالمَطامِعِ مُحجِمُ
25. The finest manners were elevated through him
The religion is his gown, embellished
٢٥. وَإِلى الطِرازِ الأَوَّلِ اِرتَفَعَت بِهِ
شِيَمٌ لَها الدينُ الرِداءُ المُعلَمُ
26. Firm, when the rash ones lost control
He established with the embrace of one weakened, nay mightier
٢٦. ثَبتٌ إِذا طاشَت حُلومُ أولي النُهى
أَرسى بِحِضنَي يَذبُلٍ بَل أَعظَمُ
27. And he tramples the heads of discord by resolve
Beneath his heel are the evils and horrors
٢٧. وَيَدوسُ فَرقَ الفَرقَدَينِ بِهِمَّةٍ
مِن تَحتِ أَخمَصِها السُها وَالمِرزَمُ
28. The garden is not fragrant, its light smiling,
Outshining the morning sun, waving its blossoms
٢٨. ما الرَّوضُ مَمطوراً يُضاحِكُ نَورُهُ
شَمسَ الضُحى فَيَفوحُ وَهوَ مُنَمنَمُ
29. One day in clothes finer than yours in the world
Never, not even musk and fragrant herbs
٢٩. يَوماً بِأَطيَبَ مِن ثِيابِكَ في الوَرى
كَلّا وَلا مِسكٌ أَريجٌ يَفغَمُ
30. I have gifted a sword to one whose utterance
Is pearls, its sheath beautifully adorned
٣٠. أَهدَيتُ مَخشَلَباً إِلى مَن لَفظُهُ
دُرٌّ وَسائِطُ حُسنِها تَتَوَسَّمُ
31. If some people are guided by the star, then by
The star of religion, the stars themselves are guided
٣١. لَئِنِ اِهتَدى بِالنَجمِ أَقوامٌ فَقَد
أَمسَت بِنَجمِ الدينِ تُهدى الأَنجُمُ
32. Baghdad envies Damascus for him, and its darkness
Submits to its disobedient one and serves
٣٢. بَغدادُ حاسِدَةٌ حماةَ بِهِ وَدِج
لَتُها لِعاصيها تُطيعُ وَتَخدِمُ
33. He is the son of a scholar, no Muslim would
Deny his superiority and loftiness in Islam
٣٣. وَهوَ اِبنُ حَبرٍ لَيسَ يُنكِرُ فَضلَهُ
وَعُلاهُ في الإِسلامِ يَوماً مُسلِمُ
34. Everyone is preceded by his status
And through him all who progress make progress
٣٤. عَن شَأوِهِ كُلُّ اِمرِئٍ مُتَأَخِّرٌ
وَبِهِ تَقَدَّمَ كُلُّ مَن يَتَقَدَّمُ
35. You are the star of religion, a joyful auspiciousness
In which there is Abu Sa’d, and in which he is eulogized
٣٥. وَلأَنتَ نَجمُ الدينِ سَعدٌ ناشِرٌ
فيهِ أَبا سَعدٍ وَفيهِ يُتَرجَمُ
36. O you who resemble your father in resolve and one
Who resembles his father is never unjust
٣٦. لَكَ يا شَبيهَ أَبيهِ هِمَّتُهُ وَمَن
يُشبِه أَباهُ فَإِنَّهُ لا يَظلِمُ
37. You have a resolute, lofty, valiant spirit
So the meteors are meteors beneath which fierce sparks fly
٣٧. لَكَ هِمَّةٌ عَلياءُ عُصرونِيَّةٌ
فَالشُهبُ شُهبٌ تَحتَها تَتَحَمحَمُ
38. Through you the Shafi’i can boast, and by you
His lights are renowned and cannot be concealed
٣٨. لِلشافِعِيِّ بِكُم فَخارٌ بَعدَهُ
أَنوارُهُ مَشهورَةٌ لا تُكتَمُ
39. To Abu Al-Barakaat we drive our steeds
Hoping for his abundant attainment, galloping
٣٩. وَإِلى أَبي البَرَكاتِ نُسرِجُ خَيلَنا
بِرَجاءِ نائِلِهِ الجَزيلِ وَنُلجِمُ
40. He continues forever enlivening the apathetic
And benefiting those ignorant of the knowledge of good
٤٠. لا زالَ طولَ الدَّهرِ يُنعِشُ خامِلاً
وَيُفيدُ عِلمَ الخَيرِ مَن لا يَعلَمُ