
Enjoy the breezes of the radiant morn and evening,

تمتع بأنفاس الضحى والأصائل

1. Enjoy the breezes of the radiant morn and evening,
And quaff brimming goblets of limpid ruby wine.

١. تَمَتَّع بِأَنفاسِ الضُحى وَالأَصائِلِ
وَحُثَّ كُؤوسَ الراحِ حُمرَ الغَلائِلِ

2. Stroll in a pleasant, elegant garden as though
It were a vision of Paradise, the fairest place.

٢. وَجَوسَقِ بُستانٍ أَنيقٍ كَأَنَّهُ
أَرانا مِنَ الفِردَوسِ خَيرَ المَنازِلِ

3. On the surging, tumultuous sea that seems
As if its waves were torn by cleaving swords.

٣. وَمُطَّرِدِ الأَمواجِ مُضطَرِبِ الحَشى
كَأَنَّ حَشاهُ جُرِّحَت بِالجَنادِلِ

4. The shadow of the wave yawns on its surface
Sprinkling it with particles of liquid kohl.

٤. تَثاءَبَ ظِلُّ المَوجِ في صَفَحاتِهِ
فَذَرَّ عَلَيهِ مِن جَنِيِّ المَكاحِلِ

5. And the blondes have a yellow pallor, as though
Gazelles had gazed upon them with languid eyes.

٥. وَلِلذَّهَبِيّاتِ اِصفَرارُ ذَوي هَوىً
أَطَلَّ عَلَيهِم في الجُسومِ النَواحِلِ

6. Lightning bolts of passion for the one I love
Strike down the ardent lover with potent shafts.

٦. صَواعِقُ مِن مَسِّ الهَوى كَذي هَوىً
يَخِرُّ صَريعاً مِن مَقالِ العَواذِلِ

7. He contends with the wine-flask when it is empty,
Stirring tears from the lashes of the wine-bearer.

٧. يُجاوِدُ صَوبَ المُزنِ حينَ نُضوبها
نثيرُ اللآلي مِن جُفونٍ هَوامِلِ

8. As though her falling tears were those
Of a lover weeping at her departing camel-rider.

٨. كَأَنَّ سَقيطَ الدَمعِ مِنها مَدامِعُ ال
مُحِبِّ جَرَت حُزناً لِتَوديعِ راحِلِ

9. The melody of the lute stirs the soul whenever
It trills through our limbs and joints.

٩. وَنَغمَةِ شادٍ تَرقُصُ الروحُ كُلَّما
تَرَنَّمَ في أَعضائِنا وَالمَفاصِلِ

10. It responds to the voice of the lute in the retreat, if it wails,
With the voices of the nightingales in the branches.

١٠. يُجاوِبُ صَوتَ العودِ في الدَّوحِ إِن شَدا
عَلى عَذَباتِ البانِ صَوتُ البَلابِلِ