1. Keep gaining elevation, O honorable king
Until you possess all the kingdoms
١. زِد عُلُوّاً يا أَيُّها المَلِكُ الأش
رَفُ حَتّى تَحوزَ كُلَّ المَمالِك
2. You are gratification for the chaste in Paradise
And Hellfire for the wicked and possessed
٢. أَنتَ رِضوانُ لِلعُفاةِ لَدى الجن
نَةِ وَالنارُ لِلعُداةِ وَمالِك
3. If a ferocious lion were to challenge you
The lion would fall into the pits of destruction
٣. أَنتَ لَو مارَزَتكَ أُسدٌ ضَوار
هَوَتِ الأُسدُ في مَهاوي المَهالِك
4. Had a messenger from God come after the Prophet
You would undoubtedly be him, no doubt
٤. لَو أَتانا بَعدَ الرَّسولِ مِنَ اللَ
هِ رَسولٌ لَكُنتَ لا شَكَّ ذَلِك
5. God has made your efforts successful
To what you aspire and the paths
٥. نَجَّحَ اللَهُ حَيثُ سِرتَ مَساعي
كَ إِلى ما تَرومُهُ وَالمَسالِك