1. The memory of my youth stirred up passions in me
Its arrows in my soul left wounds
١. ذِكرُ الصِبا مِنهُ لي هاجَت صَباباتُ
سِهامُها في الحَشا مِنها إِصاباتُ
2. When the doves of love cooed
They violated the sanctuary of my secret longings
٢. إِذا تَغَنَّت حَماماتُ الحِمى أُصُلاً
حامَت بِهَتكِ حِمى سِرّي الحماماتُ
3. The tents of my youth's night were struck down at dawn
And the tents for the morning of old age were pitched
٣. خَيماتُ لَيلِ شَبابي قُوِّضَت سَحَراً
فَطَنَّبَت لِصَباحِ الشَيبِ خَيماتُ
4. The eggs left me, not destined to hatch
So I became Qais, abandoned by the fair ones
٤. فَوَلَّتِ البيضُ عَنّي غَيرَ لاوِيَةٍ
فَكُنتُ قَيساً نَأَت عَنهُ الرُقَيّاتُ
5. Old age left behind grief as fleeting
And in its determination, expressions fade away
٥. قَد غادَرَ العَبَراتِ الشَيبُ فانِيَةً
وَفي مَذَّمَتِهِ تَفنَى العِباراتُ
6. How can I reach the essence of life when
In my hair are snakes of white?
٦. كَيفَ السَبيلُ إِلى صَفوِ الحَياةِ وَفي
رَأسي مِنَ الشَعَراتِ البيضِ حَيّاتُ
7. The pleasures of my life have passed and youth - could it be
That with old age there are lasting pleasures?
٧. وَلَّت لذاذاتُ عَيشي وَالشَبابُ وَهَل
مَعَ المَشيبِ تُرى اللذّاتُ لذّاتُ
8. It is time to submit for one who has completed his prayers and
The final prostrations of worship have passed
٨. قَد حانَ تَسليمُ مَن أَدّى الصَلاةَ وَقَد
مَضَت مِنَ السَجدَةِ الأُخرى التَحِيّاتُ
9. The crime of old age is undeniable, it has
Fallen short of all other crimes
٩. جِنايَةُ الشَيبِ عِندي لا خِلافَ أَتى
في أَنَّها قَصَّرَت عَنها الجِناياتُ
10. So how can I laugh or praise a time
When all laughter and praise have perished?
١٠. فَكَيفَ أَضحَكُ أَو أُثني عَلى زَمَنٍ
فيهِ الضَواحِكُ أَودَت وَالثَنِيّاتُ
11. O you who blame me, what are these Babylonian eyes
That cast a spell on us but cause anguish?
١١. يا عاذِلي ما العُيونُ البابِلِيّاتُ
يَنفُثنَ سِحراً لَنا إِلّا بَلِيّاتُ
12. They have come to grate me after love, so the
Heart's affection for them has faded away
١٢. قَد صِرنَ يَفرِكنَني بَعدَ الوِدادِ فَحَب
باتُ القُلوبِ اِنسَرت عَنها المَحَبّاتُ
13. And they invite me, mocking, "Uncle!"
Oh the shame of being called uncle by young girls!
١٣. وَعُدنَ يَدعونَني عَمّاً مُهازأَةً
يا خَيبَةَ العَمِّ تَدعوهُ الصَبِيّاتُ
14. I will complain of my old age in writing
To a minister whose petitions are erased
١٤. لأَشكُوَنَّ مَشيبي كاتِباً بِيَدي
إِلى وَزيرٍ بِهِ تُمحى الشِكاياتُ
15. That supreme minister, Sahib bin Ali
Whose name adorns all ministries
١٥. ذاكَ الوَزيرُ الأَجَلُّ الصاحِبُ بنُ عَلِي
يٍ الَّذي بِاِسمِهِ تُزهى الوزاراتُ
16. He whose succession is uncontested, for him
If he is pleased, authority is smoothed
١٦. مَن لَيسَ تَثبُتُ إِلّا لِلوَلِيِّ لَهُ
إِذا أَتَت بِالرِضى مِنهُ الوِلاياتُ
17. If after the Prophet a verse were to descend
It would descend regarding Safi al-Din
١٧. لَو أُنزِلَت آيَةٌ بَعدَ النَبِيِّ إِذَن
لأُنزِلَت في صَفِيِّ الدينِ آياتُ
18. In his hand is a pen, woe to that remarkable pen
By which hopes and wishes come true
١٨. في كَفِّهِ قَلَمٌ واهاً لَهُ قَلَماً
بِهِ الأَمانِيُّ تَبدو وَالمَنِيّاتُ
19. Abdullah still remains among the people as the most
Noble to God among all the elite
١٩. مازالَ في الناسِ عَبدُ اللَهِ أَكرَمَ عِن
دَ اللَهِ مِن كُلِّ مَن فيهِم سِياداتُ
20. So the Great Mosque, filled with worshippers, when
The minister appealed to it, clear verses echoed
٢٠. فَالمَسجِدُ الجامِعُ المَعمورُ حينَ دَعا ال
وَزيرُ لَبَّتهُ آياتٌ مُبيناتُ
21. He amplified the courtyard with kindness and honor
So supplications for him loudly resound
٢١. فَأفعَم الصَحنَ إِحساناً وَمَكرُمَةً
فَلِلدُعاءِ لَهُ صيتٌ وَأَصواتُ
22. His recitations counter the calls to prayer, thus
In the former some lack, in the latter embellishments
٢٢. تَرخيمُهُ ضِدّ تَرخيم النِداءِ فَفي
هاذاكَ نَقصٌ وَفي هَذا زِيازاتُ
23. In the reign of the just king, the formidable one, we saw
The wolf in the desert unheeded by the sheep
٢٣. في دَولَةِ العادِلِ المَلكِ المَهيبِ رَأَي
نا الذيبَ في القَفرِ لَم تَحفَل بِهِ الشاةُ
24. A king by his resolute sword - with it thrust
Into the throats of enemies - strikes and stabs
٢٤. مَلكٌ لِصارِمِهِ وَالرُمحِ في ثَغرِ ال
أَعداءِ بِالثَغرِ ضَرباتٌ وَطَعناتُ
25. On the day of battle he shoots his arrows, and
They are not repelled by shields of tempered steel
٢٥. يَرمي بِأَسهُمِهِ يَومَ النِزالِ فَما
تَرُدُّهُنَّ الدُروعُ السَابِرِيّاتُ
26. The kingdom has no defects or flaws
As long as he wills, may its reign endure!
٢٦. فَالمُلكُ لا أَوَدٌ فيهِ وَلا خَلَلٌ
يَوماً فَدامَت لَهُ ما شاءَ دَولاتُ
27. Say to the Franks: Attack first the heart of their homes
So raids penetrated the homes' midst
٢٧. قُل لِلفرنجِ الأولى في عُقرِ دارِهِم
غُزوا فَجاسَت خِلالَ الدارِ غاراتُ
28. Return to Homs! For the sword that destroyed
Your souls calls you to come
٢٨. عودوا إِلى حِمصَ فَالسَيفُ الَّذي زَهَقَت
بِهِ نُفوسُكُمُ يَدعو بِأَن تاتوا
29. The son of Ali has attained the highest ranks
While his envious enemies dwell in misery
٢٩. قَد أَصبَحَ اِبنُ عَلِيٍّ راقِياً رُتَباً
حُسّادُهُنَّ عَلى البَأوِ السَماواتُ
30. Accustomed is he to good deeds, preceding him,
So his virtuous habits go before him
٣٠. مُعَوَّداً لفعالِ الخَيرِ قَدَّمَهُ
قُدّامَهُ فَلَهُ في الخَيرِ عاداتُ
31. For the loyal, authority by which they are adorned
And for enemies, torments
٣١. لِلأَولِياءِ وِلاياتٌ بِها لَبِسوا ال
آلاتِ مِنهُ وَلِلأَعداءِ وَيلاتُ
32. O supporter of the blessed denomination, its supporter -
Rejoice, for the conquests have brought you good tidings
٣٢. يا ناصِرَ المَذهَبِ المَيمونِ ناصِرُه
أَبشِر فَبِالفَتحِ جاءَتكَ البِشاراتُ
33. Yours is the praise by which is sacrificed
Whatever enmities lie between the two abodes
٣٣. لَكَ الثَناءُ الَّذي مِنهُ يُذَبّحُ ما
بَينَ المَحافِلِ مِن دارين فاراتُ
34. Your face rises like a lantern, illuminating us
And your hat like a lantern case
٣٤. أَطلَعتَ وَجهَكَ مِصباحاً يُضيءُ لَنا
وَطَيلَسانُكَ لِلمِصباحِ مِشكاةُ
35. O paregons of poetry, preserve it, for no one
In Damascus has verses built up for him in praise
٣٥. يا قالَةَ الشِعرِ صونوهُ فَما أَحَدٌ
في الشامِ تُبنى لَهُ بِالمَدحِ أَبياتُ
36. Except the minister whose ambitions transcend
Aspirations, beyond which no aspirations rise
٣٦. سِوى الوَزيرِ الَّذي تَعنو لَهُ هِمَمٌ
ما فَوقَ غاياتِها في المَجدِ غاياتُ
37. It is he whose ear persistently pesters fate
Until it yields to his bits of salt
٣٧. هُوَ الَّذي عَرَكَت أُذنَ الزَمانِ بِصُل
بِ المِلحِ يُمناهُ حَتّى تابَ مفتاتُ
38. May he remain forever in protected bliss
Safe from fears, untouched by afflictions
٣٨. لا زالَ في نِعَمٍ مَحروسَةٍ أَبَداً
مِنَ المَخوفِ وَلا وافَتهُ آفاتُ