1. O my critic, be brief, for how much do you suffer
In my pleasure you aspire, O uncouth one
١. يا عاذِلي أَقصِر فَكَم تَتعَبُ
في سَلوَتي تَطمَعُ يا أَشعَبُ
2. Alas! I will not desist from one who brings me joy
The lover, though blamed, does not complain
٢. هَيهاتَ أَن أَسلُوَ عَن شادِنٍ
في حُبِّهِ العاتِبُ لا يَعتُبُ
3. My passion brings me glory, though
His love but toys with my heart
٣. وَجدي مُجِدٌّ في هَواهُ وَإِن
كانَ بِقَلبي حُبُّهُ يَلعَبُ
4. I'm of the valiant Turks, large of eyes,
Curly-haired, honey-lipped, prim-nosed
٤. بي مِن بَني التُركِ هَضيمُ الحَشا
أَحوَرُ مَعسولُ اللَمى أَشنَبُ
5. His face shines like the moon then glows
A scorpion lurks on his cheek and temple
٥. يَبدو فَيَجلو قَمَراً وَجهُهُ
مِن صُدغِهِ في خَدِّهِ عَقرَبُ
6. On his steed a snake winds round his branch
Crawling atop the crupper as he rides
٦. في سَرجِهِ يَنسابُ مِن فَرعِهِ
الثُعبانُ فَوقَ الحِقفِ إِذ يَركَبُ
7. His smile hints at pearls or camphor
His gap-toothed mouth, a new moon
٧. عَن بَرَدٍ يَبسِمُ أَو لُؤلُؤٍ
وَعَن أَقاحٍ ثَغرُهُ الأَشنَبُ
8. His brow makes his bow redundant
His glance, an undeflected arrow
٨. حاجِبُهُ يُغنيهِ عَن قَوسِهِ
وَلَحظُهُ السَهمُ فَما يُحجَبُ
9. His height makes his lance more piercing
His gaze, a slashing sword
٩. وَقَدُّهُ أَطعَنُ مِن رُمحِهِ
وَلَحظُهُ مِن سَيفِهِ أَضرَبُ
10. In Babylon, Harut by his breath
Marvels magicians with his eyelids
١٠. هاروتُ في بابِلَ مِن نَفثِهِ
لِلسِّحرِ مِن أَجفانِهِ يَعجَبُ
11. As if he, the zephyr in his palm
The rising sun opposed by a planet
١١. كَأَنَّهُ وَالرَّاحُ في كَفِّهِ
شَمسُ الضُحى قابَلَها كَوكَبُ