1. I heed not the blame of those who chide
When they reproach my love for Haytham
١. أَنا لا أُصيخُ إِلى مَقالِ اللُوَّمِ
إِذ يَعذِلوني في مَحَبَّةِ هَيثَمِ
2. He has captured all beauty in his captivity
His glance strays not, forever intent
٢. مَلَكَ الجَمالَ بِأَسرِهِ في أَسرِهِ
لَم يَنصَرِف رائيهِ غَيرَ مُتَيَّمِ
3. He is Muslim, yet did not refrain
From slaying his loving Muslim kin
٣. هُوَ مُسلِمٌ لَكنَّهُ لَم يَرتَدِع
في الحُبِّ عَن قَتلِ المُحِبِّ المُسلِمِ
4. For his height and his glance, I incline to the
Spear's point, thrusting, never relenting
٤. فَلِقَدِّهِ وَلِلحظِهِ أَصبو إِلى ال
رُمحِ المُثَقَّفِ طاعِناً بِاللَهذَمِ
5. For the lethality of his gaze on his gaze I see
I kiss every sharp bloodstained sword
٥. وَلِفَتكِ ناظِرِهِ بِناظِرِهِ أَرى
أَني أُقَبِّلُ كُلَّ سَيفٍ مِخذَمِ
6. The fall of arrows excites me and their pull
When he sends glances like arrows flown
٦. وَيَشوقُني وَقعُ السِهامِ وَنَزعُها
إِذ يُرسِلُ اللَحَظاتِ مِثلَ الأَسهُمِ
7. He who by them a number has sacrificed
To ravage the tightly clasped pearl's hoard
٧. وَهوَ الَّذي أَضحَت لَهُ عَدَدٌ بِها
يَسطو عَلى الزَّرَدِ الحَبيكِ المُحكَمِ