1. In the house of Ussurun is abandonment, yet they have
No antiquity, nor at potters any newness.
١. عَلى بَيتِ عُصرونَ العَفاءُ فَما لَهُم
قَديمٌ وَلا عَندَ الفَخارِ حَديثُ
2. When people ride mules or initiate,
Then for them in virtues there is no newness.
٢. إِذا رَكِبَ القَومُ البِغالَ أَو اِبتَدوا
فَما لَهُم في المَكرُماتِ حَديثُ
3. Mules you see, their tails like their faces,
So they belch from their mouths and they urinate.
٣. بِغالاً تَرى أَذنابَها كَلِحاهُمُ
فَتَضرِطُ مِن أَفواهِهِم وَتَروثُ
4. And they have no affection. Rather all of them
Impede from seriousness and do not give succor.
٤. وَما لَهُم وُدٌّ بَلى إِنَّ كُلَّهم
يَعوقُ عَنِ الجَدوى وَلَيسَ يَغوثُ