
O you whose excuses I am excused with,

يا ذا العذار الذي به عذري

1. O you whose excuses I am excused with,
With which love rose up as an excuse for me,

١. يا ذا العِذارِ الَّذي بِهِ عُذري
قامَ فَفيهِ الهَوى هَوىً عُذري

2. Your face is like faith, whiter than
The brightness of a branch, like the darkness of disbelief,

٢. وَجهُكَ مِثلُ الإيمانِ أَبيَضُ مِن
تُحَيتِ فَرعٍ كَظُلمَةِ الكفرِ

3. Your stature is a spear, and your glances are
Swords, sharp on the day of battle, raging,

٣. وَقَدُّكَ الرَمحُ وَاللِحاظُ هِيَ ال
سُيوف حَداً يَومَ الوَغى تَفري

4. And your mouth is a mouth, it is protected with
White smiles and rosy cheeks,

٤. وَثَغرُكَ الثَغرُ فَهوَ يمنعُ بِال
بيضِ المَواضي وَبِالقَنا السُمرِ

5. And saliva is the taste of life, its flavor,
I have not tasted it, but I know,

٥. وَالريقُ طَعمُ الحَياةِ مَطعَمُهُ
وَلَم أَذُقهُ لَكِنَّني أَدري

6. How much beauty of stature I have for me in this,
And how much poetry I have for me in poetry,

٦. كَم لِيَ في ذا القَوامِ حُسنُ مَقا
ماتٍ وَكَم لي في الشِعرِ مِن شِعرِ

7. And how much praise I have for me, it flowed in the glorious king
Bahram Shah the glorious,

٧. وَكَم مَديحٍ لي سارَ في المَلِكِ ال
أَمجَدِ بَهرامَ شاه ذي الفَخرِ

8. A generous king, without him there would not be in
Our time one who kindles poetry,

٨. مَلكٌ جَوادٌ لَولاهُ لَم يَكُ في
زَمانِنا ذا لِلشِعرِ مِن سِعرِ

9. He has not led an army or conquered a land
Except victoriously supported and triumphant,

٩. ما أَمَّ جَيشاً وَلا اِنتَحى بَلَداً
إِلّا اِنثَنى بِالتَأييدِ وَالنَصرِ

10. And he has not ceased to be a refuge
For the weak, his face giving good news,

١٠. وَلَم يَزَل لِلعُفاةِ مُنتَجَعاً
وَالوَجهُ مِنهُ البَشيرُ بِالبِشرِ

11. For war, he is the pouncing lion, when
He growled among the large army, raging,

١١. لِلحَربِ مِنهُ اللَيثُ المُدِلُّ إِذا
كَرَّ صَئولاً في الجَحفَلِ المَجرِ

12. And for dew, he is a pouring cloud
With dangling udder, pouring rain,

١٢. وَلِلندَى مِنهُ صَوبُ غادِيَةٍ
مُثَعَنجِرِ الودق هامِرُ القطرِ

13. To him the weak flock, traveling
With good expectations, on land and sea,

١٣. إِلَيهِ تَسعى العُفاةُ سائِرَةً
بِحُسنِ ظَنٍّ في البَرِّ وَالبَحرِ

14. Then they shy away from him, and the saddlebags and
Mouths are filled with praise and thanks,

١٤. فَتَنثَني عَنهُ وَالحَقائِبُ وَال
أَفواهُ مَلأى بِالحَمدِ وَالشُكرِ

15. They aimed for Baalbek when they saw
There the Lord of the throne and palace,

١٥. تَيَمَّموا بَعلَبَكَّ حينَ رَأَوا
هُناكَ رَبَّ السَريرِ وَالقَصرِ

16. Crowned with glory, the best of God's
Creation, in knowledge of prose and verse,

١٦. مُتَوَّجاً بِالعَلاءِ أَحسنُ خَل
قِ اللَهِ عِلماً بِالنظمِ وَالنَثرِ

17. He excelled all the kings of time,
And they crept behind him in his tracks,

١٧. شَأى مُلوكَ الزَمانِ كُلَّهُمُ
فَضلاً وَدَبّوا مِن بَعد في الإِثرِ

18. They did not stir his dust, and he contained
The heights of gaining praise and reward,

١٨. فَلَم يَشُقّوا غُبارَهُ وَحَوى
غاياتِ كَسبِ الثَناءِ وَالأَجرِ

19. If there were the likes of him and support
That would not make us doubt poverty,

١٩. لَو كانَ في الدَّهرِ مِثلُهُ وَعَزِي
زٌ ذاكَ لَم نَشكُ فيهِ مِن فَقرِ

20. Nor would caravans complain of their weariness
Crossing the wilderness and wasteland,

٢٠. وَلا اِشتَكَت مِن كَلالِها قُلُصٌ
تَقطَعُ عُرضَ الفَلاةِ وَالقَفرِ

21. So whoever came to him with poetry is like one
In Hijr who met the date giver,

٢١. فَمَن أَتاهُ بِالشِعرِ فَهوَ كَمَن
في هَجَرٍ جاءَ مُهدِيَ التَمرِ

22. For the feast we seek what befits you
So bestow, orphan of time,

٢٢. لِلعيدِ رَسمٌ وافاكَ نَطلُبُهُ
فَجُد بِهِ يا يَتيمَةَ الدَّهرِ

23. The time is hard and Baalbek is, as
You know, in winter and cold,

٢٣. وَالوَقتُ صَعبٌ وَبَعلبَكُ كَما
تَعلَمُ عِندَ الشِتاءِ وَالقَرِّ

24. So be King Solomon, O son of Farak
Shah, and Noah in the primes of life,

٢٤. فَكُن سُليمانَ المَلكَ يا اِبنَ فَرَخ
شاهَ وَنوحاً في فُسحَةِ العُمرِ

25. For you are the foremost of all kings
For kingship among them, prohibition, and command,

٢٥. فَأَنتَ أَولى المُلوكِ كُلِّهِمِ
بِالمُلكِ فيهِم وَالنَهيِ وَالأَمرِ