
The doves cooed in the protected area, enchanting,

شدا الحمام في الحمى فأطربا

1. The doves cooed in the protected area, enchanting,
Then I found I could not summon patience.

١. شَدا الحَمامُ في الحِمى فَأَطرَبا
فَثَمَّ لَم أَسطِع لِصَبري طَلَبا

2. It reminded me of a permitted, prize-winning slave girl
Who makes my reason veil tremble with her swaying.

٢. ذَكَّرني جارِيَةً جائِزَةً
حِجابَ عَقلي إِذ تؤُمُّ الرَبرَبا

3. She sways with her body, shaking a rod if she walks
And if she glanced with her eyes, she shook rods.

٣. تَهُزُّ بِالقَدِّ قَضيباً إِن مَشَت
وَإِن رَنَت بِاللَحظِ هَزَّت قُضُبا

4. Her buttocks quiver, her sides sway
Like a branch that the morning breeze shook.

٤. مُرتَجةٌ أَردافُها مُهتَزَّةٌ
أَعطافُها كَالغُصنِ هَزَّتهُ الصَبا

5. Between Asma, Rayya, Sullayma,
Maya, Rababa her sister, and Zaynab,

٥. ما بَينَ أَسماءَ وَرَيّا وَسُلَي
مَى وَالرَبابِ أُختِها وَزَينَبا

6. After the passing raven I was changed
To grey against my will, though white.

٦. بُدِّلتُ مِن بَعدِ الغُرابِ الحا لِك ال
لَونِ عَلى رَغمِيَ بازاً أَشهَبا

7. The whiteness of old age startled the white
And white is hostile to grey, aged.

٧. فَنَفَّرَ البيضَ بَياضُ الشَيبِ وَال
بيضُ يُعادينَ العِذارَ الأَشيَبا

8. So here I am, saying in loss of youth
Woe, sorrow, and battles!

٨. فَها أَنا القائِلُ مِن فَقدِ الصِبا
وا أَسَفا وا حَزَنا وا حَرَبا

9. I desire only she whose face
Is lovely as the sun of the faith.

٩. وَلَيسَ يَهوَينَ سِوى مَن وَجهُهُ
كَوَجهِ شَمسِ الدينِ حُسناً قايَبا

10. Sun of morning, full moon of night, lion in zeal,
Help in hardship, sword in strife - his youth is gone!

١٠. شَمسُ ضُحىً بَدر دُجىً لَيث وَغىً
غَيثُ جدىً سَيف رَدىً ماضي الشَبا

11. Most beautiful of God's creations, in lineage and manners,
Loveliest and best mannered of them in manners and breeding.

١١. أَحسَنُ خَلقِ اللَهِ طُرّاً خُلُقاً
أَجمَلُهُم خلقاً وأَوفَى أَدَبا

12. No lion turns from his cubs to protect them
If the fateful fifth of the week pounces.

١٢. ما اللَّيثُ عَن أَشبالِهِ مُحامِياً
يثني الخَميسَ ناكِصاً إِن وَثَبا

13. Furious at the lion of the meadow, roaring,
Baring his fangs, overwhelming in strength,

١٣. غَضبانَ مِن أسدِ الشَرى مُزَمجِراً
مَجَرمِزاً بادي النُيوبَ أَغلَبا

14. Snatching heroes from their saddles
With his palm until the dust stirs.

١٤. يَختَطِفُ الأَبطالَ مِن سُروجِها
بِكَفِّهِ حَتّى تَعَضَّ التُرُبا

15. One day, truer than him in war loosing his horse,
Who meets him, meets war!

١٥. يَوماً بِأَوفى مِنهُ في الحَربِ سُطاً
فَمَن يُلاقِهِ يُلاقِ الحَرَبا

16. Not even a lowering raincloud, its ropes swaying,
Gushing, thundering, pouring down,

١٦. وَلا السَحابُ هامِياً رَبابُهُ
مُنبَجِساً مُثعَنجِراً مُنسَكِبا

17. The plains and valleys rise up for him
Rejoicing, and the loved ones are delighted with him.

١٧. قامَت لَهُ السُهولُ وَالحزونُ إِج
لالاً وَحُلَّت فَرَحاً بِهِ الحُبا

18. He approaches, dragging his train, embracing
The torrents' necks with his flood.

١٨. دَنا مُسِفّاً ساحِباً هَيدَبَهُ
معانِقاً بِالسَيلِ أَعناقَ الرُبا

19. One day when his right hand is readiest
To give to whoever asks him.

١٩. يَوماً بأنَدى مِن يَمينِهِ إِذا
وافاهُ مَن يَسأَلُهُ أَن يَهَبا

20. His good-looking face says to the weak,
"Hello and welcome to you, greetings!"

٢٠. يَقولُ لِلعُفاةِ حُسنُ بشرِهِ
أَهلاً وَسَهلاً بِكُمُ وَمَرحَبا

21. In praise of him, chemistry's principles are corrected
And so in it I have passed my amazing time.

٢١. صَحَّحَ عِلمَ الكيمياءِ مَدحُهُ
فَفيهِ قَضَّيتُ زَماني عَجَبا

22. We give him this eulogy in its lines
And so take the paper and the gold for it.

٢٢. نُهدي لَهُ المَديحَ في أَوراقِهِ
فَنَأخُذُ الوِرقَ بِهِ وَالذَهَبا

23. Our Lord has given him a love
Through which in the world he is loved.

٢٣. أَلقى عَلَيهِ رَبُّنا مَحَبَّةً
مِنهُ فَأَضحى في الوَرى مُحَبَّبا

24. His ambition carried him so he became
Eloquent in speech, Arabizing and Islamizing.

٢٤. سَمَت بِهِ هِمَّتُهُ فَصارَ في
اللَّفظِ الفَصيحِ مُعرِباً وَمُغرِبا

25. Through him Islam became victorious while
Polytheism turned away, not glancing back in flight.

٢٥. أَضحى بِهِ الإِسلامُ مَنصوراً وَوَل
لَى الشِركُ لا يَلفِتُ جيداً هَرَبا

26. He closed the frontiers of peace, but smashed the
Encroachments of unbelief, leaving no loose end.

٢٦. سَدَّ ثُغورَ السِلمِ لَكِن هَدَّ ثَغ
رَ الكُفرِ مِن تَقويضِهِ ما طَنَّبا

27. Still the sun of the faith lives happily
As long as the sky displays no night star.

٢٧. لا زالَ شَمسُ الدينِ في سَعادَةٍ
ما أَبدَتِ السَماءُ لَيلاً كَوكَبا