
God watered a monastery where I visited a priest

سقى الله ديرا فيه نادمت قسيسا

1. God watered a monastery where I visited a priest
Who was noble, of clear complexion, saintly

١. سَقى اللَهُ دَيراً فيهِ نادَمتُ قِسّيسا
فَكانَ شَريفاً ظاهِرَ البِشرِ قِدّيسا

2. Of manners pleasing to Prophet Muhammad
And adhering to what Jesus enjoined his people

٢. لَهُ خُلُقٌ يُرضي النَبِيَّ مُحَمَّداً
وَيَأتي بِما أَوصى بِهِ قَومَهُ عيسى

3. I gladden him when I sing to him, as though
I rang for him at dawn in the monastery a bell

٣. وَيَطرَبُ إِن غَنَّيتُهُ فَكَأَنَّني
ضَرَبتُ لَهُ في الديرِ بِالصُبحِ ناقوسا

4. He served me a goblet, gold plated
As if pearls were implanted on its rims

٤. سَقاني مُداماً قَرقَفاً ذَهَبِيَّةً
كَأَنَّ عَلى حافاتِها الدُرَّ مَغروسا

5. Freed from Sheba, I deemed it
The basilisk sways with it the skirts of Satan

٥. مُعَتَّقَةً مِن صَيدِنايا سَبَأتُها
يَهُزُّ بِها الرّاووقُ أَعطافَ إِبليسا

6. So from its face in the cup he shows sprightliness
Toward me and from my face he retorts with a frown

٦. فَمن وَجهِها في الكَأسِ يُبدي طَلاقَةً
إِلَيَّ وَمِن وَجهي يُقابِلُ تَعبيسا

7. Withdrawn with it he hastens to drinking
Clad by the Turks with awe, a turban

٧. كُمَيتاً بِها يَسعى عَلى الشَّربِ شادِنٌ
مِنَ التُركِ تَكسوهُ المَهابَةُ ناموسا

8. He fancies, when he preens in the chill of his beauty
Having tasted the inebriation of wine, a peacock

٨. يُخالُ إِذا ما اِختالَ في بُردِ حُسنِهِ
وَقَد ماسَ مِن سُكرِ المُدامَةِ طاوُوسا

9. Its hooded snake, when it saw its shape
Carried to its heart Pharaoh, the day of Moses' staff

٩. ذُؤابَتُهُ الثُعبانُ إِذ راعَ شَكلُها
إِلى قَلبِهِ فِرعَونَ يَومَ عَصا موسى

10. He rejoices, who met him once in his proximity
With Solomon's bliss on Bilquis' throne

١٠. يُسَرُّ الَّذي تَلقاهُ يَوماً بِقُربِهِ
سُرورَ سُلَيمانٍ عَلى عَرشِ بَلقيسا

11. So he recited to me refined, elegant verse
In which adaptation and rhyme in beauty harmonized

١١. فَأَنشَدَني شِعراً أَنيقاً مُهَذَّباً
بِهِ وافَقَ وَالتَطبيقُ في الحُسنِ تَجنيسا

12. And his eyelash throbs an arrow whenever it hums
And the brow arches it like a bow's curving

١٢. وَيَنبُضُ سَهماً طَرفُهُ كُلَّما رَنا
وَقَوَّسَ مِنهُ الحاجِبَ السّحبُ تَقويسا

13. On his waist gather ten fingers
And in his saddlebag the soft and the busa cloth

١٣. عَلى خَصرِهِ تَنضَمُّ عَشرُ أَنامِلٍ
وَفي سَرجِهِ النُعمى مِنَ الرِدفِ وَالبوسى