
By your grace the stars moved in the sky

بسعدك سارت في السماء الكواكب

1. By your grace the stars moved in the sky
So your glory is well-known and your essence victorious

١. بِسَعدِكَ سارَت في السَماءِ الكَواكِبُ
فَمَجدُكَ مَشهورٌ وَجَدُّكَ غالِبُ

2. When the sword of religion unleashes its resolved might
It makes the ships waver on the turbulent day

٢. إِذا سلَّ سَيفُ الدينِ ماضِيَ عَزمِهِ اِن
ثَنَت خيفَةً يَومَ الهياجِ القَواضِبُ

3. So travel and open the world which through you is illuminated
Its dawns are ardent and its sunsets

٣. فَسِر وَاِفتَحِ الدُنيا الَّتي بِكَ أَصبَحَت
مَشارِقُها مَشغوفَةً وَالمَغارِبُ

4. Through love of Abu Bakr son of Ayyub it bowed
And you saw factions become equal, allies and dissenters

٤. بِحُبِّ أَبي بَكر بنِ أَيّوبَ دانَتِ ال
وَرى فَتَساوَت شيعَةٌ وَنَواصِبُ

5. To the king through him is a just one, which just one
His wonders are well-known and his marvels

٥. فَلِلمُلكِ مِنهُ عادِلٌ أَيُّ عادِلٍ
غَرائِبُهُ مَشهورَةٌ وَالرَغائِبُ

6. And I hope for his kindness upon the oppression of his slave
Upon whom poverty has struck

٦. وَإِنّي لأَرجو مِنهُ عطفَةَ مالِكٍ
عَلى ضَيمِ مَملوكٍ لَهُ الفَقرُ ضارِبُ

7. So grant me sufficient livelihood each month in advance
I am for you Lord of the Throne, you are not asking

٧. فَجُد لي بِرِزقٍ كُلَّ شَهرٍ مُعَجَّلٍ
أَنا لَكَ رَبُّ العَرشِ ما أَنتَ طالِبُ

8. And support and victory did not cease to serve me
For your banner as long as spearheads are knotted

٨. وَلا بَرِحَ التَأييدُ وَالنَصرُ خادِمَي
لِوائِكَ ما نيطَت بِرُمحٍ ذَوائِبُ

9. And you continue to be congratulated with evident conquest
Your armies enjoy wishes and misfortunes

٩. وَلا زِلتَ بِالفَتحِ المُبينِ مُهَنّأً
جُيوشُكَ تَحظى بِالمُنى وَالكَتائِبُ