
The cooing of the doves in their branches

نوح الحمام الورق في أوراقها

1. The cooing of the doves in their branches
Led the brother of longing to his longings

١. نَوحُ الحَمامِ الوُرقِ في أَوراقِها
دَلَّ أَخا الشَوقِ عَلى أَشواقِها

2. So he showed his tears and hid a moan
Fearing for the branches from being burnt

٢. فَأَظهَرَ الدَّمعَ وَأَخفى زَفرَةً
خافَ عَلى الباناتِ مِن إِحراقِها

3. If the leaves cried with some of my tears
The boughs would gesture from their necks

٣. لَو بَكَتِ الوُرقُ بِبَعضِ أَدمُعي
لاِمَّحَتِ الأَطواقُ مِن أَعناقِها

4. So I wondered at her complaining and crying
Without sending tears into her pupils

٤. فَاِعجَب لَها شاكِيَةً باكِيَةً
لَم تَسلُكِ الدُموعَ في آماقِها

5. Damascus was watered by Allah with rain
From the spout of a cloud pouring down

٥. سَقى دِمَشقَ اللَهُ غَيثاً مُحسِباً
مِن مُستَهَلِّ ديمَةٍ دَفّاقِها

6. A city improved over any city
As if Paradise was one of its meadows

٦. مَدينَةٌ أَحسِن بِها مَدينَةً
كَأَنَّما الجَنَّةُ مِن رُزداقِها

7. The meadows of Iraq wish that they
Were from it, yet ascribed to their Iraq

٧. تَوَدُّ زَوراءُ العِراقِ أَنَّها
مِنها وَلا تُعزى إِلى عِراقِها

8. I complain of passions which a beauty complained
To the loved one of her passions

٨. أَشكو مِنَ الأَشواقِ ما شَكَتهُ جِل
لَقٌ إِلى المَودودِ مِن أَشواقِها

9. It is right that Badr al-Din be envied
By the full moons in their rising

٩. حُقَّ لِبَدرِ الدينِ أَن تَحسُدَهُ
عَلى العُلى البُدورُ في اِتِّساقِها

10. His perfection is better than its perfection
Protecting for ages against its waning

١٠. كَمالُهُ أَحسَنُ مِن كَمالِها
فَصينَ طولَ الدَهرِ عَن محاقِها

11. Spring has pitched its tents in its meadows
And wishes were led to its markets

١١. قَد خَيَّمَ الرَبيعُ في رُبوعِها
وَسيقَتِ المُنى إِلى أَسواقِها

12. Allah chose him for the best of His earth
For nothing equals Syria in its horizons

١٢. اِختارَهُ اللَهُ لِخَيرِ أَرضِهِ
إِذ لَيسَ مِثلُ الشامِ في آفاقِها

13. He met Syria with an opinion which repaired
Affairs after the intensity of its breaking

١٣. فَقابَلَ الشامَ بِرَأيٍ رَتَّقَ ال
أُمورَ بَعدَ شِدَّةِ اِنفِتاقِها

14. He was not harsh in war, but harsh
Were his hands on the neck of disbelief

١٤. ما غُلَّ في الحَربِ وَلَكِن غَلَّ أَي
دي عُصَبِ الكُفرِ إِلى أَعناقِها

15. His days continued to be fortunate
Time does not break the strength of his pact

١٥. لا فَتِئَت أَيّامُهُ سَعيدَةً
لا يَنكُثُ الدَهرُ قُوى ميثاقِها