
May Allah curse George the sinner

لعن الله جرجس القنياطا

1. May Allah curse George the sinner
And water his grave with urine and feces

١. لَعَنَ اللَهُ جُرجُسَ القُنياطا
وَسَقى قَبرَهُ خَرىً وَضُراطا

2. One day I said to his buriers, answer me
With an answer that makes my heart rejoice

٢. قُلتُ يَوماً لِدافِنيهِ أَجيبوا
بِجَوابٍ يَزيدُ قَلبي اِغتِباطا

3. When you buried him in the curse of Allah
And threw rubble upon him

٣. حينَ وَارَيتُموهُ في لَعنَةِ اللَ
هِ وَأَلقَيتُمُ عَلَيهِ البَلاطا

4. What did you do with his horn, the people told me
Listen, you didn't see it fall into decay

٤. ما صَنَعتُم بِقَرنِهِ قالَ لي القَو
مُ اِستَمِع لا رَأَت عُلاكَ اِنحِطاطا

5. Its origin is erect in the ground but
Its tip became nesting place for birds

٥. أَصلُهُ في الثَرى مُقيمٌ وَلَكِن
فَرعُهُ صارَ لِلثُرَيّا مَناطا

6. So he got his punishment, every adulterer
And his son, every sodomite

٦. فَلَقَد نالَ عِرسَهُ كُلُّ زانٍ
وَاِبنَهُ كُلُّ مَن أَحَبَّ اللِّواطا

7. The men carved him like his father
A rock yet he was active and lively

٧. نَحَتَتهُ الرِجالُ نَحتَ أَبيهِ
صَخرَةً وَهوَ كَالفَنيقِ نَشاطا

8. When he didn't sag and was nothing but
An erect, juicy member flaunting

٨. حينَ لَم يَنحَدِب وَلَم يَكُ إِلّا
كَالقَضيبِ الرَطيبِ يَبدو شِطاطا

9. And his son, with carving is only
Increasing in it excessive excess

٩. وَاِبنُهُ لا يَزيدُ بِالنَحتِ إِلّا
ثِقَلاً فيهِ مُفرِطاً إِفراطا

10. Oh John, son of the one whose vulva is coarse
And its waistline tells of mucus

١٠. يا يوحَنّا يا اِبنَ الَّتي بَظرُها جَذ
عٌ وَيَحكي قَوامُها مِخباطا

11. With a beard like a priest's beard
And eyebrows that show through the kohl

١١. لِاِستِها لِحيَةٌ كَلِحيَةِ قِسٍّ
وَقَفاها ثَطٌّ يَبينُ سُناطا

12. She is lustier than a she-cat and sees every
Time come upon her in rut

١٢. فَهيَ أَبغى مِن قِطَّةٍ وَتَرى كل
لَ زَمانٍ يَأتي عَلَيها شُباطا

13. Long has adulterers ejaculated with their
Tool in her womb outpouring

١٣. طالَما أَنبَطَ الزُناةُ بِأَمخا
لِ الخصا ماءَ رَحمِها إِنباطا

14. Long has she angered your father by squealing
To him affectedly squeaking

١٤. طالَما أَسخَطَت أَباكَ بِأَن نِي
كَت لَدَيهِ تَبَرُّعاً إِسخاطا

15. Long have her anklets barged into
His lair when she was in heat

١٥. طالَما زاحَمَت خَلاخيلُها في
جُحرِهِ عِندَ نَيكِها الأَقراطا

16. She claims the honor of your sanctum though she
Couldn't equal Hippocrates in our time

١٦. تَدَّعي الطِبَّ مُر حِرِمِّكَ لَو كُن
تَ تُضاهي في عَصرِنا بقِراطا

17. Oh crap of the Jews on Saturday
They mixed in it their vomit and mucus

١٧. يا خَراءَ اليَهودِ في يَومِ سَبتٍ
خَلَطوا فيهِ قَيئَهُم وَالمُخاطا

18. Nay, crap of monks when they had
Lentils, its beans were fragments

١٨. بَل خَراءُ الرُهبانِ لَمّا تَعَشّوا
عَدَساً كاَن فَتُّهُ بَقسُماطا

19. You aren't one who at night intoxicates
A companion and extends a carpet

١٩. لَستَ مِمَّن أَمسى يُرَوِّقُ خَمراً
لِنَديمٍ وَلا يَمُدُّ سِماطا

20. No, nor are you of the honorable Christians
Who don't fold up the carpet from a companion

٢٠. لا وَلا أَنتَ مِن نَصارى كِرامٍ
لَيسَ يَطوونَ عَن نَديمِ بِساطا