
When you two passed by the orchard of Ablis

إذا جزتما بالعيس دورة آبل

1. When you two passed by the orchard of Ablis
And her hands trampled the dust of garbage piles,

١. إِذا جُزتُما بِالعيسِ دَورَةَ آبِلِ
فَداسَت بِأَيديها تُرابَ المَزابِلِ

2. She glanced to the left of the caravan with a look
Toward Barada and the meadow of beautiful gazelles.

٢. أَعيرا يَسارَ الرَّكبِ لَفتَةَ ناظِرٍ
إِلى بَرَدى وَالرَوضِ ذاتِ الخَمائِلِ

3. There you see a river where the Nile appears
When it floods in Egypt like some small streams,

٣. هُنالِكُما نَهرٌ يُرى النيلُ عِندَهُ
إِذا فاضَ في مِصرٍ كَبَعضِ الجَداوِلِ

4. The evergreen Nufara looks in it like bright stars
That swam in the sky of water without setting.

٤. يُخالُ بِهِ النينوفَرُ الغَضُّ أَنجُماً
سَمَت في سَماءِ الماءِ غَيرَ أَوافِلِ

5. As if the water birds in it are brides
Whose green trains spread over its banks,

٥. كَأَنَّ طُيورَ الماءِ فيهِ عَرائِسٌ
جُلينَ عَلى شاطيهِ خُضرَ الغَلائِلِ

6. When they sip from it you are certain they
Are tearing apart chicks as they are rapacious.

٦. إِذا كَرَعَت فيهِ تَيَقَّنتَ أَنَّها
تَزِقُّ فِراخاً وَهيَ زُغبُ الحَواصِلِ

7. And how many fish in it have armors on them
Made of lead although they are showing might.

٧. وَكَم سَمَكٍ فيهِ عَلَيهِ جَواشِنٌ
مِنَ التِّبرِ صيغَت وَهوَ بادي المَقاتِلِ

8. Wounded by the edges of swords, their murmur
Is a moan from the touch of those swords.

٨. جَريحٌ بِأَطرافِ الصَفا فَخَريرُهُ
أَنينٌ لَهُ مِن مَسِّ تِلكَ الجَنادِلِ

9. When the river meets the night with its stars
It shows us in the depth of water torch lights.

٩. إِذا قابَلَ النَهرُ الدُجى بِنُجومِهِ
أَرانا بِقَعرِ الماءِ ضَوءَ المَشاعِلِ

10. It flows in the valley and meets a soft
Beautiful she-camel that is not barren,

١٠. يُغَلغِلُ في الوادي فَوافى كَفِيَّةً
مُنَعَّمَةً حَسناءَ لَيسَت بِعاطِلِ

11. And hugged her until she leaned heavily
Unraveling over the pebbles the stomach of a pregnant she-camel.

١١. فَعانَقَها حَتّى اِنثَنَت مُشمَعِلَّةً
تَفُكُّ عَلى ظَهرِ الصَفا بَطنَ حامِلِ

12. So it begot the springs of Al-Fijah
By which Damascus is amidst seas and coasts.

١٢. فَأَولَدَ عَينَ الفيجَةِ الأَنهُرَ الَّتي
دِمَشقُ بِها في أَبحُرٍ وَسَواحِلِ

13. Indeed in the valley are gazelles whose eyelids
Are kohl-lined with what is in the kohl containers.

١٣. أَلا إِنَّ في الوادي ظِباءً جُفونُها
بِها كَحَلٌ أَزرى بِما في المَكاحِلِ

14. And in the wide plain there is a buck for it arouses
For its viewer the agitation of nightingales.

١٤. وَبِالبُقعَةِ الفَيحاءِ عوجا فَإِنَّها
تَهيجُ لِرائيها رَسيسَ البَلابِلِ

15. And on the hillside there are houses I delighted in
Oh what fine houses!

١٥. وَبِالسَّفحِ مِن أَعلى سنيرٍ مَنازِلٌ
نَعِمتُ بِها واهاً لَها مِن مَنازِلِ

16. Nights have passed me with good times
I reaped contentment from them by displeasing the blamer.

١٦. مَضَت بِمَضايا لي لَيالٍ حَميدَةٌ
جَنَيتُ الرِضى مِنها بِإِسخاطِ عاذِلي

17. O Bakkeen nights, Bakkeen nights in the courtyard,
Passion flowed in my veins like my blood.

١٧. لَياليكِ يا بُقّينُ بقينَ في الحَشا
هَوىً جارِياً مَجرى دَمي في مَفاصِلي

18. And in Az-Zabadani the cream of life came to me
In it the pure from the udders of pregnant she-camels.

١٨. وَبِالزَبَداني زُبدَةُ العَيشِ جاءَني
بِها المَحضُ مِن مَحضِ الضُروعِ الحَوافِلِ

19. And the quarter of intimacy from Kafr Amir still
Looks populated, freshful of springs.

١٩. وَمازالَ ربعُ الأُنسِ مِن كَفرِ عامِرٍ
يُرى عامِرَ الأَرجاءِ عَذبَ المَناهِلِ

20. And how many times I won in Kubra the greatest of wishes
From fate, and its small ones in those gatherings.

٢٠. وَكَم فُزتُ في الكُبرى بِكُبرى المُنى مِن ال
زَمانِ وَصُغراها بِتِلكَ المَحافِلِ

21. In the eye of a Houri is the houri of an eye, so your
Glances' speech is the muteness of anklets.

٢١. وَفي عَينِ حورٍ حورُ عينٍ فَواتِكُ ال
لِحاظِ فِصاحُ اللَّفظِ خرسُ الخَلاخِلِ

22. And in Ad-Dullah the beautiful fine one is camping
For it there are strong signs.

٢٢. وَبِالدُلَّةِ الحُسنُ البَديعُ مُخَيِّمٌ
لَهُ أَثَرٌ فيها قَوِيُّ الدَّلائِلِ

23. And Deir Qubais is a paradise, what paradise!
Its drinking-places are accompanied by dining-sheets.

٢٣. وَدَيرُ قُبَيسٍ جَنَّةٌ أَيُّ جَنَّةٍ
مَشارِبُها مَشفوعَةٌ بِالمَآكِلِ

24. And visit Bloudan Al-Manifah and gain
A pleasant life whose quarter is not arid.

٢٤. وَزورا بلودانَ المَنيفَةَ تَظفَرا
بِعَيشٍ هَنيءٍ رَبعُهُ غَيرُ ماحِلِ

25. I yearn for the mornings of Damascus’ districts
And incline toward the shaded shade in Ablis.

٢٥. أَحِنُّ إِلى أَفياءِ أَسحارِ دُمَّرٍ
وَأَصبو إِلى الظِلِّ الظَّليلِ بِآبِلِ

26. And how good that Judaida is, what
Dwellings of it inhabited by springs!

٢٦. وَيا حَبَّذا تِلكَ الجُدَيِّدَةُ الَّتي
مَرابِعُها مَعمورَةٌ بِالمَناهِلِ

27. Dwellings that spring has cast its neighboring
Upon them, vowing not to depart from them.

٢٧. مَرابِعُ قَد أَلقى الرَبيعُ جِرانَهُ
بِها مُقسِماً أَن لَيسَ عَنها بِراحِلِ