
If we come after being close, though far is the abode

لئن نأت بعد قرب منكم الدار

1. If we come after being close, though far is the abode
Still yearning and memory for you remain my load

١. لَئِن نَأَت بَعدَ قُربٍ مِنكُمُ الدارُ
فَلي إِلَيكُم صَباباتٌ وَتَذكارُ

2. Our loved ones, parts have played us with, till we
Like bows and they arrows that hit the mark for you

٢. أَحبابَنا لَعِبَت أَيدي الفِراقِ بِنا
حَتّى كَأَنّا قِداحٌ وَهيَ أَيسارُ

3. No leaves for the boughs since we departed your land
No more a place for us there, not even a trace I find

٣. لا وُرقَ في البانِ مُذ بِنتُم وَلا وَرَقٌ
وَلا لَنا بَعدُ في الأَوطانِ أَوطارُ

4. When askers seek news of me, my state I do conceal
And steadfast stay, my secrets from them to withhold

٤. أَيّامَ يَستَخبِرُ الواشونَ عَن خَبَري
وَلي عَلى كَتمِيَ الأَسرارَ إِصرارُ

5. You left my body, no meeting occurred, ere it was slain
So flowing are my tears, though patience makes no gain

٥. غادَرتُمُ جَسَدي قَبلَ اللِقاءِ لقىً
فَالدَّمعُ وافٍ وَحُسنُ الصَّبرِ غَدّارُ

6. From you's denied all comfort that I hoped to gain
Not even your image in dreams comes, but in vain

٦. مُنِعتُ كُلَّ الرِضى مِنكُم فَوا أَسَفا
حَتّى وَلا طَيفُكُم في النَومِ زَوّارُ

7. To God I commend a folk whose stay is but in my heart
Be they still, or be they far, or further depart

٧. أَستَودِعُ اللَهَ قَوماً ما مُقامُهُمُ
إِلّا بِقَلبِيَ إِن حَلّوا وَإِن ساروا

8. Quaking eyelids against cheeks sunken in do I bear
My body tormented, its innards aflame with despair

٨. سُحبُ الجُفونِ هَوامٍ في الخُدودِ فَها
جِسمي غَريقٌ وَفي أَحشائِيَ النارُ

9. If they come, tears give me aid, while hosts in my love crowd
March on as oft as they're mirrored in pupils endowed

٩. إِن أَنجَدوا فَدُموعُ العَينِ تُنجِدُني
وَغائِرٌ جَيشُ وَجدي كُلَّما غاروا

10. O you who blame me in my fervent youth, take pause
For less blame from you would be more proper cause

١٠. يا عاذِلي الصَبِّ جَهلاً في صَبابَتِهِ
مَهلاً فَإِقلالُكُم في العَذلِ إِكثارُ

11. You blamed the Najdi fir, its sharp points abound
Yet for its sake excuses of love did surround

١١. لُمتُم عَلى الرَشَأ النَجدِيِّ ذا كَلَفٍ
قامَت لَهُ في الهَوى العُذرِيِّ أَعذارُ

12. Clasping waist and flapping cloak, along with the knight
Of the cushions, teasing, bold, to mischief so bright

١٢. بِمُخطَفِ الخَصرِ مَهزوزِ المَعاطِفِ مَع
سولِ المَراشِفِ نَفّاعٌ وَضَرّارُ

13. I weep when love sounds, but it laughs at my pain
Mocking my gloom, so mocking and coy its refrain

١٣. أَبكي إِذا ما رَنا وَجداً وَيَضحَكُ مِن
كَآبَتي فَهوَ سَخّارٌ وَسَحّارُ

14. If our gaze should wound his cheek, why for his gaze
Do our inwards as fuel for its embers blaze?

١٤. إِن تُدمِ أَلحاظُنا خَدَّيهِ مِن تَرَفٍ
فَلِم لِأَلحاظِهِ أَحشاؤُنا ثارُ

15. For love rules unjustly, impartiality null
Against neighbor or stranger it takes not at all

١٥. إِنَّ الهَوى جائِرٌ في الحُكمِ لَيسَ لَهُ
في الجارِ لا في سِواهُ يُؤخَذُ الجارُ

16. Thus the light of faith from it warns the soul
Desire of the forbidden is shame on the whole

١٦. لِأَجلِ ذَلِكَ يَنهى النَفسَ عَنهُ ضِيا
ءُ الدينِ إِنَّ هَوى أَهلِ النُهى عارُ

17. A judge, when two parties disputes occupy
For upholding the right, has questioning and reply

١٧. قاضٍ إِذا اِختَلَفَ الخَصمانِ كانَ لَهُ
في نُصرَةِ الحَقِّ إيرادٌ وَإِصدارُ

18. His glory and gifts thereby enhanced, just as one
Called Coward yet brazen enhances the feats he has done

١٨. يَزهو بِهِ مَجدُهُ وَالمَكرُماتُ كَما
يَزهو الرُدَينِيُّ تيهاً وَهوَ خَطّارُ

19. Sways him to glory his gentle, mild bearing
As sword to be drawn, or dagger for tearing

١٩. تَهُزُّهُ لِلمَعالي أَريَحِيَّتُهُ
كَما يُهَزُّ حُسامٌ وَهوَ بَتّارُ

20. Free handed relieves poverty, makes disgrace easy to bear
While eulogies of his grandeur as high as stars flare

٢٠. بِالجودِ يَرحَضُ إِعساراً وَيُرخِصُ أَس
عاراً وَتَغلو لَدى عَلياهُ أَشعارُ

21. Halls of his bounty he erected; and to him therein many a hall
Of prostration in worship, continually peopled withal

٢١. بَنى مَجالِسَ جودٍ في الوَرى وَلَهُ
كَم مِن مَجالِ سُجودٍ فيهِ عَمّارُ

22. Though he denies his benefaction, his favors endure
As his grants make smooth the way for those helpless and poor

٢٢. مُغرىً بِإِنكارِهِ مَعروفَهُ وَلِأَح
والِ العُفاةِ بِما أَولاهُ إِقرارُ

23. Begins with a favor, needs no reminder again
So he who asks receives, and receiving stays not in vain

٢٣. يُؤيِّدُ البَدءَ بِالعَودِ الجَميلِ بِلا
مَنٍّ فَنائِلُهُ المِدرارُ إِدرارُ

24. Asking, when leaving, inhabitants of Zawra to tell
The Caliph he's sent as messenger chosen right well

٢٤. سائِل بِهِ ساكِني الزَوراءِ حينَ مَضى
إِلى الإِمامِ رَسولاً وَهوَ مُختارُ

The envoy who serves at each dire strait and need

٢٥. وَهوَ السَفيرُ الَّذي في كُلِّ مَألُكَةٍ
يَسعى بِها لِوجوهِ النُّجحِ إِسفارُ

26. Seeking through him faces of victory to lead
He came to the Caliph and council, and thereupon

٢٦. وافى الخَليفَةَ وَالدّيوانَ فَاِمتَلَأَت
مِنهُ قُلوبٌ وَأَسماعٌ وَأَبصارُ

27. Eyes and ears and hearts with him were filled and won
So he was a sea, a fountain of knowledge and debate

٢٧. فَكانَ حَبراً وَبَحراً في السُؤالِ وَفي ال
جَوابِ وَالأُنمُلاتُ الخَمسُ أَنهارُ

28. His five fingers like rivers that run and create
You are the noble scions, yours is history glorious told

٢٨. أَنتُم بَنو الشَهرَزورِيِّ الكِرامُ لَكُم
خُبرٌ لَهُ سِيَرٌ سارَت وَأَخبارُ

29. Deeds have marched, and news of great import enrolled
You are suns whose rising disperses gloom when events thicken

٢٩. أَنتُم شُموسٌ إِذا ما الحادِثاتُ دَجَت
وَأَنتُمُ في ظَلامِ اللَّيلِ أَقمارُ

30. You are moons in the night of calamity that can enlighten
Kings by you have glory and grandeur made plain

٣٠. فَلِلمُلوكِ بِكُم مَجدٌ وَأُبَّهَةٌ
مِنها تَلوحُ عَلى الأَيّامِ أَنوارُ

31. From it over days radiant lights will reign
Your pens in the lands their domains with might grasped

٣١. أَقلامُكُم في أَقاليمِ البِلادِ بِها
قَد قُلِّمَت مِن صُروفِ الدَّهرِ أَظفارُ

32. Cutting the nails of misfortune and terror abashed
For every just Sultan are migrants, thanks to your worth

٣٢. لِكُلِّ سُلطانِ عَدلٍ مِن كِفايَتِكُم
مُهاجِرونَ بِهِم يَسطو وَأَنصارُ

33. By whom he subdues and supporters of justice give birth
You mountains of resolve, firmly based, as we know

٣٣. أَنتُم جِبالُ حُلومٍ فَهيَ راسِيَةٌ
أَنتُم بِحارُ عُلومٍ وَهيَ زُخّارُ

34. You oceans of knowledge, heaving and ebbing in flow
God bless the Shining Light of Faith, for his glory survives

٣٤. للَهِ دَرُّ ضِياءِ الدينِ إِنَّ لَهُ
مَجداً لَهُ عِندَ مَن والاهُ آثارُ

35. With those who support him, immortalized in their lives
O Lord, be his defender from all he fears

٣٥. يا رَبِّ كُن جارَهُ مِمّا يُحاذِرُهُ
فَما يَخيبُ لَهُ راجٍ وَلا جارُ