
If people blame the weight of our souls, which

لئن ذم قوم ثقل أرواحنا الذي

1. If people blame the weight of our souls, which
On Saturday brought down the roof over us,

١. لَئِن ذَمَّ قَومٌ ثِقلَ أَرواحِنا الَّذي
بِهِ يَومَ سبتٍ خَرَّ مِن تَحتِنا السَقفُ

2. Then we praise the lightness in our heads,
Since with adversity, lightness may be praised over weight.

٢. فَإِنّا حَمِدنا خِفَّةً في رُؤوسِنا
وَعِندَ الأَذى بِالثِقلِ قَد يُحمَدُ الخِفُّ

3. With it we floated on the water like corks,
And it's no surprise that gourds float on water.

٣. ظَللنا بِهِ نَطفو عَلى الماءِ عُوَّماً
وَلا عَجَباً لِلقَرعِ في الماءِ أَن يَطفو