
O how delightful are the breezes of Jabbar in the morning

يا حبذا نفحات جوبر بكرة

1. O how delightful are the breezes of Jabbar in the morning
Bearing only musk and camphor

١. يا حَبَّذا نَفَحاتُ جَوبَرَ بُكرَةً
ما هُنَّ إِلا المِسكُ وَالكافورُ

2. And flowers arranged on its branches
And scattered on the meadows of its gardens

٢. وَالزَّهرُ مَنظومٌ عَلى دَوحاتِهِ
وَعَلى بِساطِ رِياضِهِ مَنثورُ

3. The gentle wind brings us only
To increase the confined passion

٣. ما هَبَّ مَمدودُ الهَواءِ لَنا بِهِ
إِلا لِيَزدادَ الهَوى المَقصورُ

4. It is a paradise surrounded by its bliss
In its shade are maidens and fair ladies

٤. هِيَ جَنَّةٌ مَحفوفَةٌ بِنَعيمِها
في ظِلِّها وِلدانُها وَالحورُ