
O rooster, wake the sleepers of the lute

يا صاح أيقظ راقد العود

1. O rooster, wake the sleepers of the lute
And O feverish nights, return to me

١. يا صاحِ أَيقِظ راقِدَ العودِ
وَيا لُيَيلاتِ الحِمى عُودي

2. And O boughs of acacia, incline to the boughs
With the moons, or sway with me

٢. وَيا غُصونَ البانِ ميلي عَلى ال
أَغصانِ بِالأَقمارِ أَو مِيدي

3. And O my blamer, stop repeating
Your lessons in blaming me and refuting me

٣. وَيا عَذولي خَلِّ تَكرارَكَ ال
دُروسَ في لَومي وَتَفنيدي

4. I'm fasting from flirting, repeatedly
Trying to leave my repetitions

٤. إِنّي لَصَوّامٌ عَنِ العذلِ تَع
ييدِيَ في تَركِيَ تَعييدي

5. Have the gazelles coquetted with us
Or are they glimpses of fluttering moths

٥. هَل حَدَق الغزلانِ غازَلنَنا
أَم لَحَظاتُ الخُرَّدِ الغيدِ

6. White and brown protected by fever
By the white and the brown nightmares

٦. بيضٌ وَسُمرٌ حُمِيَت بِالحِمى
بِالبيضِ وَالسُمرِ الأَماليدِ

7. Wake up my rooster with your hands
Break the verse of sleep with soothing

٧. جُد بِأَياديكَ أَيا ديكُ فَاِن
سَخ آيَةَ النَّومِ بِتَسهيدِ

8. Come on my rooster, for the promise of fulfilling the promises has crowed
Connect the dawn with an eclipse, for there is no life like the lost one

٨. وَهُبَّ يا صاحِ فَقَد صاحَ وا
عِدٌ بِإِنجازِ المَواعيدِ

9. Satisfy the nostrils of our jugs
With the blood of grape bunches

٩. وَصِل صَبوحاً بِغَبوقٍ فَما
مَوجودُ عَيشٍ مِثلُ مَفقودِ

10. And draw from our elephant's trunk
Its date wine in the sea of cups

١٠. أرعِف خَياشيمَ أَباريقِنا
مِن دَمِ أَوداجِ العَناقيدِ

11. Rub the wind's breeze on my chest
The ears of sorrows of affliction

١١. وَأَجرِ مِن خُرطومِ راووقِنا
تامورَهُ في بَحرِ ناجودِ

12. And ride the one whose gray is content
It surpassed liberating the zealous horses

١٢. وَاعرُك بِراحِ الرَّاحِ في الصدر آ
ذانَ هُمومٍ ذات تَنكيدِ

13. Worry is night and it is morning
No night without morning ever lasts

١٣. وَاِركَب كُمَيتاً راضها أَشهَبٌ
فَاقَا عِتاقَ الضُمَّرِ القُودِ

14. Did our cupbearer come to us
With a glowing or dim candle?

١٤. فَالهَمُّ لَيلٌ وَهيَ صُبحٌ وَما
لَيلٌ بِلا صُبحٍ بِمَطرودِ

15. None fills the cup except the generous one
Who unites and divides with wisdom

١٥. أَطافَ ساقينا عَلَينا بِقِن
ديلٍ مُضيءٍ أَم بِقِنديدِ

16. And you, my singer, sing, for nothing makes my life pleasant but your singing
Delay the old virgin between the melodies and David

١٦. ما مَلأَ الكَأسَ بِتَفريغِهِ ال
كِيسَ سِوَى ذي الكَيسِ وَالجودِ

17. Radiant as the sun, loving as the creation of
The full moon of the faith, loved

١٧. نَظَّمَ بِالتَبديدِ شَملَ العُلا
وَالمَجدُ مِن نَظمٍ وَتَبديدِ

18. He managed people's affairs with wisdom and courage, decisively and rightly
So the flood of injustice subsided, and the ship of generosity sailed on generosity

١٨. وَأَنتَ يا مُطرِبُ غَرِّد فَما
تَرغيدُ عَيشي غَيرَ تَغريدِ

19. His good work in his time
Was shaped like a necklace on a neck

١٩. اجلُ العَجوز البِكرَ بَينَ الندا
مَى بِالمَزاميرِ وَداوودِ

20. So glory has a heart ailing with sorrows
Seeking relief, loaded with worries

٢٠. مُشرِقَةً كَالشَمسِ مَودودَةً
كَخلقِ بَدرِ الدينِ مَودودِ

21. O God, grant him full health
For the wellness of generosity cured him

٢١. ساسَ أُمورَ الناسِ في الرَأيِ وَال
بَأسِ بِتَشديدٍ وَتَسديدِ

22. Protect the white nights from the light of
The full moon from his enemies, the blacks

٢٢. فَغيضَ سَيلُ الظُلمِ ثُمَّ اِستَوَت
سَفينَةُ الجُودِ عَلى الجودي

23. If one could be ransomed from harm or evil
He would be given eternal life in this world

٢٣. صَنيعُهُ الجَيِّدُ في دَهرِهِ
صيغَ لَهُ كَالعِقدِ في الجيدِ

24. Evidence of his merit stood
His praise is not imitation

٢٤. فَالمَجدُ ذو قَلبٍ لِأَمراضِهِ
مُرتَمِضٍ بِالهَمِّ مَزؤودِ

25. Glory did not lack his supremacy, for the like of him
Never existed or will exist

٢٥. فَعافِهِ اللَهُمَّ مِمّا بِهِ
فَبَرؤُهُ عافِيَةُ الجودِ

26. A sea of bounty, a sword of firmness, a hero
Who slaughtered transgression, supported the victorious

٢٦. صُنِ اللَيالي البيضَ مِن نورِ بَد
رِ الدينِ عَن أَضدادِهِ السّودِ

27. With his opening of the enemy's mouth, he left
No mouth for peace other than the blocked one

٢٧. لَو كانَ يُفدى من أَذىً أَو رَدى
بُشِّرَ في الدُنيا بِتَخليدِ

28. How many constrained did he set free, and how many grasping hands did he restrain with releasing and binding
And how many generous acts of his, if counted

٢٨. قامَت بَراهينُ عَلى فَضلِهِ
فَمَدحُهُ لَيسَ بِتَقليدِ

29. Would exceed all that is counted
To his bounty and his praise

٢٩. لا عَدِمَ المَجدُ عُلاهُ فَما
نَظيرُهُ يَوماً بِمَوجودِ

30. We fling the tents of glories
The prey of hunting birds panic before him

٣٠. بَحرُ نَدىً سَيفُ رَدىً باتكٌ
نَحرَ عدىً نَصرَةُ مَنجودِ

31. In fear, like rumbling thunderbolts
His dignity and feast came together

٣١. بِفَتحِهِ ثَغرَ العِدا لَم يَدَع
لِلسِلمِ ثَغراً غَيرَ مَسدودِ

32. So we have two feasts in one feast
He remains in luck's shadow, noble

٣٢. كَم فَكَّ من عانٍ وَكَم كَفَّ مِن
عاتٍ بِإِطلاقٍ وَتَقييدِ

33. As long as the days extend

٣٣. وَكَم لَهُ مِن مَكرُماتٍ مَتى
عُدَّت تَعَدَّت كُلَّ مَعدودِ

٣٤. إِلى نَداهُ وَإِلى مَدحِهِ
نَضرِبُ آباطَ المَقاحيدِ

٣٥. تَعنو لَهُ الصيدُ الصَّناديدُ في ال
رَوعِ اِرتِياعاً كَالرَعاديدِ

٣٦. إِبلالهُ وَالعيدُ جاءا مَعاً
فَليَهنِنا عيدانِ في عيدِ

٣٧. لا زالَ في ظِلٍّ مِنَ السَّعدِ وا
رِفٍ مَدى الأَيّامِ مَمدودِ