
I am not the singer of love songs with a tender voice,

لست أسلو الشادن الأحوى الأغنا

1. I am not the singer of love songs with a tender voice,
Nor one who sings melodiously over the chord of a lute.

١. لَستُ أَسلو الشادِنَ الأَحوى الأَغَنّا
ما شَدا شادٍ عَلى البانِ وَغَنّى

2. I said to my heart: Have patience and be steadfast,
It said: No way! How can I and from where?

٢. قُلتُ لِلقَلبِ تَجَلَّد وَاِصطَبِر
قالَ لي كَلّا وَأَنّى لي وَأَنّى

3. I became insane and my insanity increases
Multifold when the night falls in darkness.

٣. صِرتُ مَجنوناً وَيَزدادُ جُنوني
فيهِ أَضعافاً إِذا ما اللَيلُ جَنّا

4. And my affliction is that when I complain to it,
It shies away from me.

٤. وَبَلائي أَنَّهُ يَجني فَإِن
جِئتُهُ أَشكو إِلَيهِ يَتَجَنّى

5. Slaughter my boon companion and let me drink
His blood until I see things double through intoxication.

٥. اِذبَحِ الدَّنَّ نَديمي وَاِسقِني
دَمَهُ حَتّى أُرى بِالسُكرِ دَنّا

6. Keep pouring the cups constantly, for they
Distract the worries when we turn away from them.

٦. أَدِرِ الكاساتِ صِرفاً إِنّها
تَصرِفُ الهَمَّ إِذا ما اِعتَنَّ عَنّا

7. Coffee that makes the bow taut become slack
Due to its heat, so that the taut bow kneels in humility.

٧. قَهوَةً تَجعَلُ قُسّاً باقِلاً
لِسَناها يَسجُدُ القَسُّ يُحَنّا

8. The sun of comfort has risen like a moon
Over the branch of a sand dune bending.

٨. باتَ يَجلو شَمسَ راحٍ قَمَرٌ
فَوقَ غُصنٍ في كَثيبٍ يَتَثَنّى

9. And whenever its limbs swayed to us in a dance,
They produced kindness and beauty as fruits.

٩. وَمَتى اِهتَزَّت لَنا أَعطافُهُ
رَقصاً أَثمَرنَ إِحساناً وَحُسنا

10. It gathered with its feet the pearls of melodies,
And with them hearts find their joy in singing.

١٠. لَقَطَت دُرَّ الأَغاني طَرَفا
قَدَمَيهِ وَبِها الأَلبابُ تَغنى

11. By God, if we were able to fly in rapture,
We would have flown in bliss from it.

١١. قَسَماً لَو أَنَّنا نَسطيعُ مِن
طَيَرانٍ طَرَباً مِنهُ لَطِرنا

12. Among us there is none but one infatuated with it,
Even the riding beasts were stirred with yearning at its sight.

١٢. لَيسَ فينا غَيرُ مَفتونٍ بِهِ
طَرِبَت مِنهُ المَطايا حينَ حَنّا

13. The most beautiful of countenance, its beauty is exquisite,
For it is the houri of meanings, in it we delighted.

١٣. أَحورُ الطَّرفِ بَديعٌ حُسنُهُ
فَهوَ حورِيُّ المَعاني فيهِ حِرنا

14. Anyone beautiful when compared to it
Is but words, while it is meaning beneath the words.

١٤. كُلُّ ذي حُسنٍ إِذا قيسَ بِهِ
كانَ لَفظاً وَهوَ تَحتَ اللَّفظِ مَعنى

15. It is more radiant than the morning sun, and were
Its eye to look at the sun, the sun would be outshone.

١٥. فَهوَ مِن شَمسِ الضُحى أَبهى وَإِن
رَمَقَتهُ عَينُها تَأسِنُ أَسنى

16. Its beauty is Joseph-like, taking
The kernel of hearts as its dwelling and prison.

١٦. يوسُفِيٌّ حُسنُهُ مُتَّخِذٌ
حَبَّة القَلبِ لَهُ مَأوىً وَسِجنا

17. To abandon my love for the Turk would be
A futile act - God forbid such loss and deprivation!

١٧. إِنَّ في تَركي هَوى التُركِيِّ لي
عَبَثاً حاشايَ مِن ذاكَ وَغَبنا

18. Its years reached seven and seven,
So it is like the full moon, lofty and brilliant.

١٨. وَسُنوهُ بَلَغَت سَبعاً وَسَبعاً
فَهوَ كَالبَدرِ سنىً يَسمو وَسِنّا

19. The narrowness of eyelids expanded from it
And the paths of love in my troubled heart widened.

١٩. ضَيِّقُ الأَجفانِ مِنهُ اِتَّسَعَت
طُرقُ الوَجدِ عَلى قَلبي المُعَنّى

20. Everything beautiful has been outshined by it
So look at a mouth and eyelid made narrow by it.

٢٠. ضاقَ مِنهُ كُلُّ شَيءٍ حَسَنٍ
ضيقُهُ فَاِنظُر فَماً مِنهُ وَجَفنا

21. The weaver cannot do what it does -
Closing the eyelids when the eyelash is made delicate.

٢١. لَيسَ لِلنّاسِجِ ما يَفعَلُهُ
يغلقُ النَشّاب إِذ يُرهَفُ سَنّا

22. It said to me: You have no power over me,
Make lighter your assaults when the purse becomes lighter.

٢٢. قالَ لي ما لَكَ بي مِن طاقَةٍ
خَف صُدودي إِذ يَخِفُّ الكيسُ وَزنا

23. I said: God is with me, then I became happy
With the little I gained that enriched and sufficed me.

٢٣. قُلتُ إِنَّ اللَهَ لي ثُمَّ سَرا
سُنقُرَ القيلَ الَّذي أَغنى وَأَقنى

24. My lord, how many enemies has it destroyed, yet
None saw in it any weakness or frailty!

٢٤. سَيِّدٌ كَم مِن عِدىً أَفنى وَلَم
يَرَ مِنهُ أَحَدٌ في الرَّأيِ أَفنا

25. Its claws were always sharp, so if the
Clouds were miserly one day, they were thought to be booty.

٢٥. لَم تَزَل أَنمُلُهُ إِن ضَنَّتِ ال
سُحبُ يَوماً بِالحَيا تُحسَبُ مُزنا

26. With it there was no fortress for the audacious
That we feared, so we distanced ourselves from it.

٢٦. لَم يَكُن مِنهُ لَدى الهَيجاءِ حِصنٌ
نَتَّقيهِ فَلِهَذا عَنهُ جُضنا

27. It destroys the enemies with the sword and
Spear on the day of battle with blows and stabs.

٢٧. يوسِعُ الأَعداءَ بِالسَيفِ وَبِال
رُمحِ في يَومِ الوَغى ضَرباً وَطَعنا

28. The brave said: "This death is terrible,
No critic can blame us if we distanced ourselves from it."

٢٨. قالَتِ الشُجعانُ هَذا المَوتُ بَأساً
لا يَلُمنا لائِمٌ إِن عَنهُ حِصنا

29. And if it ordered us one day to bow down to it
In prostration, we would listen and obey.

٢٩. وَهوَ لَو يَأمُرُنا يَوماً لَهُ
بِسُجودٍ لَسَمِعنا وَأَطَعنا

30. So the pillars of religion stood firm in
Egypt and Syria, and how many pillars it strengthened!

٣٠. فَبِهِ قامَ عِمادُ الدينِ في
مِصرَ وَالشامِ وَكَم أَطَّدَ رُكنا

31. Birds would come to it on raids
And meet the army from here and there.

٣١. تَتَأَتّى الطَّيرُ مِنهُ غَزوَةً
فَتُوافي الجَيشَ مِن هَنَّا وَهَنَّا

32. It conquered Acre and Marj and
Buried the enemies in the moat with burial.

٣٢. سَل بِهِ عَكَّةَ وَالمَرجَ وَقَد
دَفَنَ الأَعداءَ في الخَندَقِ دَفنا

33. So it was as if when it brought them
It brought them to slaughter on the day of slaughter as sacrificial animals.

٣٣. فَكَأَنَّ القَومَ لَمّا ساقَهُم
ساقَهُم لِلنَّحرِ يَومَ النَحرِ بُدنا

34. Its piercing stab turned the banners yellow,
And with it palaces were built in audacity.

٣٤. أَورَدَ الراياتِ صُفراً طَعنُهُ
وَبِهِ أُصدِرنَ في الهَيجاءِ دُكنا

35. So it turns to war, and it is a name and a verb,
While the rest are particles when they come for a meaning.

٣٥. فَهوَ يَنحو الحَربَ وَهوَ اِسمٌ وَفِعلٌ
وَسِواهُ الحَرفُ إِذ جاءَ لِمَعنى

36. And how little it is for Saracen to be given
Provinces and cities in the kingdom!

٣٦. وَقَليلٌ لسَراسُنقُرَ في ال
مُلكِ أَن يُعطى أَقاليمَ وَمُدنا

37. A horseman - had it not been for the stagnancy of blood
In his sword he would have sailed with it in the land as ships.

٣٧. فارِسٌ لَولا جُمودُ الدَّمِ في
سَيفِهِ أَجرى بِهِ في البَرِّ سُفنا

38. The lion of faith - whenever it confronted a
Lion, the lion retreated in fright.

٣٨. أَسَدُ الدينِ مَتى ما بارَزَ ال
أُسدَ قَهقَرنَ عَلى الأَعقابِ جُبنا

39. It never shot at the enemies
Except that its empty quiver made it an angel shooting stars.

٣٩. ما رَمى الأَعداءَ إِلا خِلتَهُ
مَلَكاً يَرمي بِشُهبِ القَذفِ جَنَّا

40. Who can protect me from a treacherous time
That betrayed tongues from destitution as a refuge?

٤٠. مَن مُجيري مِن زَمانٍ غادِرٍ
غادَرَ اللُسنَ مِنَ الإِفلاسِ لُكنا

41. Its heart is harsh, so it does not go back on
Its heart wherever I sought protection frightened.

٤١. قَلبُهُ قاسٍ فَما يَرجِعُ عَن
قَلبِهِ لي حَيثُما كُنتُ المِجَنّا

42. Blaming it is more harmful than benefaction, so they
Became, in its hospitality, contrary to expectation stingy.

٤٢. لَومُهُ أَعدى كِراماً فَغَدَوا
في نَداهُم يُخلفونَ الظَنَّ ضَنّا

43. Yet Saracen's generosity remains,
So we were kneaded to it when we were threshed.

٤٣. وَ سَراسُنقُرَ باقٍ جودُهُ
فَلِذا عُجنا عَلَيهِ حينَ جُعنا

44. My pledges were locked into it, so it engaged
For me as a redeemer, and did not fail to recover any pledge.

٤٤. غَلِقَت فيهِ رُهُوني فَانبَرى
لي فَتّاكاً فَما أَفتَكَ رَهنا

45. Saracen imposed the abrogated verse of favor,
The lion of faith, and made it valid and binding.

٤٥. فَرَضَ المَنسوخَ مِن آيِ النَدى
أَسَدُ الدينِ وَسَنّاهُ وَسَنّا

46. It gives pregnant she-camels as gifts and
Mules and fine steeds.

٤٦. يَهَبُ الإِبلَ المنيفاتِ الذُرى
وَأَكاديشَ وَبَغلاتٍ وَحُصنا

47. From the elite of the Turks it loves to earn
Praise through wealth like Qays's love for Lubna.

٤٧. مِن سَراةِ التُركِ يَهوى كَسبَهُ ال
حَمدَ بِالمالِ هوَى قَيسٍ لِلُبنى

48. So it has the station of sultan in the
Kingdom, becoming a bow or closer.

٤٨. فَهوَ مِن مَرتَبَةِ السُلطانِ في ال
ملكِ أَضحى قابَ قَوسَينِ وَأَدنى

49. Syria is fortunate whenever it settles in it
And suffers if it distances itself disgraced and weak.

٤٩. يُسعَدُ الشامُ مَتى حَلَّ بِهِ
وَيُعاني إِن نَأى هَوناً وَوَهنا

50. The people of hopes did not fear poverty from it
When it overwhelms the people with abundant favors from us.

٥٠. لَم تَخَف مِنهُ بَنو الآمالِ إِذ
يَغمُرُ القَومَ بِفَيضِ المَنِّ مِنّا

51. O Saracen, take this as a eulogy -
Its beauty inherited grief in whoever was your enemy.

٥١. يا سَراسُنقُرَ خُذها مِدحَةً
حُسنُها أَورَثَ مَن عاداكَ حُزنا

52. Give him glad tidings - ease follows hardship
With blessings from the dew of favors that gratified him.

٥٢. بِشرُهُ يَسري بِيُسرٍ بَعدَ عُسرٍ
وَبِيُمنٍ مِن نَدى يُمناهُ يُمنا

53. Whoever is supported by the lion of faith in Damascus
Will not fear poverty, as it enriches him with riches.

٥٣. لَيسَ يَخشى في دِمَشقَ الفَقرَ مَن
أَسَدُ الدينِ بِها يَقناهُ قَنّا

54. Those who heard it resembled whirling dervishes
Dancing when the witness sang.

٥٤. سامِعوها أَشبَهوا صوفِيَّةً
رَقَصاً مِنهُم إِذا الشاهِدُ غَنّا

55. Say to it: Greetings and welcome to her
Who has often traversed long distances and sorrows to reach us.

٥٥. قُل لَها أَهلاً وَسَهلاً بِالَّتي
كَم إِلَينا قَطَعَت سَهلاً وَحَزنا

56. Say hello, goodbye, stay, enjoy forever,
Fulfilling beyond what you may wish for.

٥٦. وَاِسمُ وَاِسلَم وَاِبقَ وَاِغنَم أَبَداً
تَتَمَلا فَوقَ ما قَد تَتَمَنّى