1. When I sensed the lightning in Damascus,
It reminded my fluttering heart of you.
١. ذَكَرتُكِ إِذ شِمتُ بِالشامِ بَرقاً
سُحَيراً فَأَشبَهَهُ القَلبُ خَفقا
2. I recalled your smile of contentment,
And shed a tear that would not dry.
٢. ذَكَرتُ اِبتِسامَكِ عِندَ الرِضى
فَأَسبَلتُ دَمعَ شَجٍ لَيسَ يَرقا
3. My heart rises and sets for you,
East and West, night and day.
٣. فَدَيتُكِ شَمساً فؤادي لَها
يَبيتُ وَيُصبِحُ عُرباً وَشَرقاً
4. It sways like a branch, blown by the wind,
And like a gazelle turning its neck.
٤. تَهُزُّ القَضيبَ فُوَيقَ الكَثيبِ
فَيُشبِهُها الظَبي لَحظاً وَعُنقا
5. No coffee from Sidon
Is more dense or finer strained.
٥. وَما قَهوَةٌ صَيدَنانِيَّةٌ
مِنَ الدَنِّ أَوسَعها القَسُّ زَقّا
6. When the coffee is properly prepared,
In the cup, it is as fragrant as musk.
٦. مُشَعشَعةً عُتِّقَت في الدِنانِ
فَفي الكَأسِ تَعبقُ كَالمِسكِ عَبقا
7. If met by a morning breeze,
It would be yet more enchanting.
٧. فَلَو قوبِلَت بِنَسيمِ الصَبا
تَهُبُّ سُحَيراً لَكانَت أَرَقّا
8. But not as delicious to me
As your sweetest flavor, which I wish I could taste.
٨. بِأَطيَبَ من فيكِ لي نَكهَةً
وَلا ريقَةً لَيتَني مِنهُ أُسقى
9. My youth has faded and old age has come,
Dimming the brightness of my days.
٩. تَوَلّى شَبابي وَجاءَ المَشيبُ
فَصارَ بِهِ عِندِيَ الصَفوُ رَنقا
10. The steeds of youth once raced ahead,
Galloping, vigorous and sleek.
١٠. وَكانَت خُيولُ الصِبا يَستَبِقنَ
بِفَوديَ دُهماً فَأَصبَحنَ بُلقا
11. But singers have now abandoned my love,
Though once I was passionate like them.
١١. فَأَعرَضَ عَن وَصلِيَ الغانِياتُ
وَقَد كُنَّ لي مِثلَ ما كُنتُ عِشقا
12. When the sap of youth dried up,
My skin grew loose and my bones weak.
١٢. وَلما هُريقَ الصِبى وَاِستَشَنَّ
أَديمي وَأَوهَنَ عَظمي فَدَقّا
13. I warded off passion with determination,
Without saying: "Gently, oh time!"
١٣. دَرَأتُ الهَوى بِاِدِّراعِ النَوى
وَما قُلتُ يا حادِيَ العيسِ رِفقا
14. With letters my pen strokes gently,
Practicing calligraphy on paper white as skin.
١٤. بِحَرفٍ أُقَيلامُ أَخفافِها
تُجيدُ عَلى كاغِدِ البيدِ مَشقا
15. It did not cease until it brought me to Damascus,
To the abode of Murad Pasha, who does good.
١٥. وَلَم تَألُ في وَخدِها وَالذَميلُ
تُغِذُّ إِلى أَن أَتَت بي دِمَشقا
16. O full moon that lights up the land,
Rightly guiding the faith night and day!
١٦. إِلى بابِ مودودٍ بنِ المبارَ
كِ قد جعل المُبتَغو الخَيرَ طُرقا
17. When the princes compete in glory,
You surpass them all in excellence.
١٧. فَيا بَدرَ تِمٍّ تُضيءُ البِلادُ
بِهِ وَلَهُ الدينُ مازالَ وَفقا
18. O champion of Muslims, time bows to you,
Kissing your feet in homage.
١٨. إِذا أُمَراءُ الوَرى سابَقوكَ
إِلى غايَةِ المَجدِ بَرَّزت سَبقا
19. It swears that in your magnanimity,
You have rushed to free the noble.
١٩. لَكَ الدَهرُ يا فارِسَ المُسلِمينَ
تَرَجَّلَ يَلثُمُ رِجلَيكَ طَلقا
20. No praise befits you, O King,
Unless you are worthy of it.
٢٠. وَيُقسِمُ أَنَّكَ بِالمَكرُماتِ
غَدَوتَ لِأَحرارِهِ مُستَرِقّا
21. You are wise in the essence of matters,
Your view makes us level-headed and rational.
٢١. فَلا مَدحَ يَحسُنُ عِندَ المُلو
كِ إِلا وَكُنتَ لَهُ المُستَحِقّا
22. No obstacle can subdue you, like a phoenix,
Whose wings beat the ground seeking cracks.
٢٢. أَميرٌ عَليمٌ بِفَحوى الأُمورِ
بِرَأي أَرانا سَطيحاً وَشِقّا
23. The earth opens wider than its back,
When the stallion pounds it at dawn.
٢٣. وَما عارِضٌ هادِرٌ كَالفَنيقِ
طَروقَتُهُ الأَرضَ يَبغيهِ طَرقا
24. It conceived from him a delightful garden,
Lovely, verdant, and thriving.
٢٤. فَأَوسَعُ مِن ظَهرِهِ بطنُها
غَداةَ يَنوءُ بِها الفَحلُ وَدقا
25. How many meadows and streams are in it,
With the wind rustling its expanse!
٢٥. فَأَولَدَها مِنهُ رَوضاً أَريضاً
فَجَلَّ مِنَ الرِيِّ حُسناً وَدَقّا
26. In it, colors of white, red and yellow
Smile amidst the green growth.
٢٦. فَكَم رَوضَةٍ وَغَديرٍ بِها
وَقَد صَفَّقَت مَتنَهُ الريحُ صَفقا
27. With more copious than your palm, if the rainclouds
Refuse to shower the land.
٢٧. بِها النَورُ بيضاً وَحُمراً وَصُفراً
يُضاحِكنَ في خُضرَةِ النَبتِ زُرقا
28. No wolf below your cubs
Defends them, baring fangs and claws.
٢٨. بِأَغزَر مِن كَفِّهِ إِن أَبَت
عُيونُ الغَمامِ عَلى الأَرضِ دَفَقا
29. On Thursdays they return torn fleece,
Roaring, severing the cries of lions.
٢٩. وَما ضَيغَمٌ دونَ أَشبالِهِ
يُحامي فَيَفتَحُ باعاً وَشِدقا
30. More vicious than them are the swords,
Stabbing, striking, and slashing.
٣٠. يَرُدُّ الخَميسَ كَشاءٍ حَسَسن
زَئيرَ الأُسودِ فَقَطَّعنَ رِبقا
31. Harim bin Sinan was not lacking
In generosity, he was protected from stinginess.
٣١. بِأَفتَكَ مِن بِأسِهِ وَالكماةُ
تُماصِعُ طَعناً وَضَرباً وَرَشقا
32. He was clothed in praise that will last
Among people till the end of time.
٣٢. وَما هَرِمُ بنُ سِنانٍ حَبا
زُهَيراً بِجودٍ مِنَ الشُحِّ وَقَّى
33. More generous than him, and in praising him
I recounted poetry and skill.
٣٣. فَأُلبِسَ مِنهُ الثَناءَ الَّذي
إِلى آخِرِ الدَّهرِ في الناسِ يَبقى
34. His pen brings life to barren lands,
From it realms are watered.
٣٤. بِأَسمَحَ مِنهُ وَفي مَدحِهِ
حَكَيتُ زُهَيراً ثَناءً وَحِذقا
35. It is filled with provision for all people,
Be they pounding or confinement.
٣٥. لَهُ قَلَمٌ غابَ عَن عابِهِ
ضَئيل وَمِنهُ الأَقاليم تُسقى
36. Woe to him who drinks without pause,
With hair like the hand of fate pulling him!
٣٦. مَلِيٌّ بِأَرزاقِ كُلِّ العِبادِ
وَإِن دَقَّ رَأساً وَإِن ضاقَ شِقّا
37. Subtle, it unveils momentous events
With lines more straight than spear shafts.
٣٧. فَواهاً لَهُ شارِباً لا شَجَت
لَهُ شَعَراتٌ يَدَ الدَّهرِ حَلقا
38. Obedient to his Maker in all He wills,
Be it exhaustion, difficulty, or relief.
٣٨. دَقيقٌ يُجَلّي جَليلَ الخُطوبِ
بِخَطٍّ قَنا الخَطّ تَخشاهُ صدقا
39. A glance His command falls short of,
Winds gasp in helplessness and tearing.
٣٩. مُطيعٌ لِباريهِ فيما يَشاءُ
وَإِن كانَ يَفنيهِ عَقراً وَعَرقا
40. A sword splitting the resolve of foes
With a strike that splits the earth.
٤٠. وَطِرفٌ تُقَصِّرُ عَن شَأوِهِ ال
رِياحُ فَتَلهَثُ عِيّاً وَخَرقا
41. A spear piercing the chest of the valiant,
To please on Sunday the One, the Unique.
٤١. وَسَيفٌ يُفَلِّقُ هامَ العِدا
بِضَربٍ يَشُقُّ بِهِ التُربَ شَقا
42. A canal whose streams are thirsty wolves,
Drinking the blood of lions.
٤٢. وَرُمحٌ يُدَقُّ بِصَدرِ الخَميسِ
لِتُرضي بِهِ الأَحَدَ الفَردَ دَقا
43. A coat of mail like locusts' eyes,
Shedding rust, fragmenting and scattering.
٤٣. قَناةٌ أَنابيبُها ظامِئاتٌ
بِها ثَعلَبٌ مِن دَمِ الأُسدِ يُسقى
44. A mare appearing at dawn
From darkness, rising above the full moon.
٤٤. وَفَضفاضَةٌ كَعُيونِ الجَرادِ
تَفُلُّ الحِدادَ فَتُقلا وَتُلقى
45. A bow singing behind arrows
That strike dead those who are hit.
٤٥. وَعادِيَةٌ تُطلِعُ الشَمسَ في
دجى النَقعِ تَعلو مِنَ البَدرِ فَرقا
46. And you, when we consider the qualifications
Of rulers, are the most pious, purest and eternal.
٤٦. وَقَوسٌ تَرِنُّ وَراءَ السِهامِ
فَتُصمي الرَمايا فَتَنفَضُّ صُعقا
47. Your affection is manifest and sincere
Unlike the feigned affection of false friends.
٤٧. وَأَنتَ إِذا ما اِعتَبَرنا أَولي ال
ولاياتِ أَتقى وَأَنقى وَأَبقى
48. You are the loyal one, you are the faithful one,
When companions shun you out of insincerity.
٤٨. وِدادُكَ مَحضٌ صَريحٌ إِذا
رَأَينا وِدادَ الأَخِلّاءِ مَذقا
49. You surpassed the heights in the heights,
With those below drowned in your torrent.
٤٩. وَأَنتَ الحَفِيُّ وَأَنتَ الوَفِيُّ
إِذا الأَصدِقاءُ طَوَوا عَنكَ صِدقا
50. No sane person doubts
That they were foolish to oppose you.
٥٠. تَرَكتَ الأُلى في العُلى سابقوكَ
بِفَيضِ سَحابِكَ في اليَمِّ غَرقى
51. The gap between you is like the gap
Between a man's brow and nose, if you take aim.
٥١. وَلَيسَ يَشُكُّ اِمرُؤٌ عاقِلٌ
بِأَنَّهُمُ حينَ سامَوكَ حَمقى
52. My God, I praise you for granting me
A fine provision through him.
٥٢. وَبَينكُم مِثلُ ما بَينَ أَخ
مَصِ الرِجلِ وَالفَرقِ إِن رُمتَ فَرقا
53. Your servant has wearied you too long
And does not seek from you manumission.
٥٣. حَمَدتُ إِلَهي عَلى ما بِهِ
حَباني فَأَحسَنَ لي مِنكَ رِزقا
54. If you prefer to relieve him,
Your view is loftier, proper, and soothing.
٥٤. وَعَبدُكَ قَد طالَ تَثقيلُهُ
عَلَيكَ وَما يَبتَغي مِنكَ عتقا
55. Listen to the wondrous ode
Purer than pearls in description and essence.
٥٥. وَإِن أَنتَ آثَرتَ تَسريحَهُ
فَرَأيُكَ أَسمى وَأَسنى وَأَرقى
56. Its meanings with its words
Are like lovely maidens in form and manners.
٥٦. أَصِخ لِقَريضٍ بَديعِ النِظامِ
أَصفى مِن الدُرِّ وَصفاً وَأَنقى
57. It delights the Minister, but it
Is those who would drown you pulling at your feet.
٥٧. كَأَنَّ المَعاني بِأَلفاظِهِ
عَقائِلُ كَالحورِ خَلقاً وَخُلقا
58. You came and brought joy
And longing to my heart.
٥٨. يَسرُّ الوَلِيَّ وَلَكِنَّهُ
هُوَ النازِعاتُ لِشانيكَ غَرقى
59. You have success in all that you seek,
So you have conformed to the King's decree.
٥٩. قَدِمتَ فَأَقدَمتَ نائي السُرورِ
وَآتَيتَ شَوقاً عَلى القَلبِ شَقّا
60. Live as long as you wish in what we desire,
For time vanishes enemies but you remain.
٦٠. وَأَنتَ المُوَفَّقُ في كُلِّ ما
تَرومُ فَلِلمُلكِ أَصبَحتَ وَفقا
٦١. فَعِش ما تَشاءُ عَلى ما نَشاءُ
مَدى الدَهرِ تَفنى الأَعادي وَتَبقى