1. O two men, stop and tell me
About sleep - separation from it has forbidden me
١. قِفا خَبِّراني أَيُّها الرَّجُلانِ
عَنِ النَومِ إِنَّ الهَجرَ عَنهُ نَهاني
2. How can sleep be? Or what is its taste?
Describe sleep to me, if you two can describe
٢. وَكَيفَ يَكونُ النَومُ أَم كَيفَ طَعمُهُ
صِفا النَومَ لي إِن كُنتُما تَصِفانِ
3. For I long for sleep, so know
I've not known sleep for an age
٣. فَإِنّي لَمُشتاقٌ إِلى النَومِ فَاِعلَما
وَلا عَهدَ لي بِالنَومِ مُنذُ زَمانِ
4. And I thirst for the coolness of eyes
That flowed down the edges of eyelids
٤. وَإِنّي لَظَمآنٌ إِلى بَردِ أَعيُنٍ
جَرَت بِحَواشي بُقعَةِ الزَبَداني
5. Eyes that flowed down the slopes until they met
Like horses let loose for a race
٥. عُيونٌ جَرَت بِالسَفحِ حَتّى تَدافَعَت
تَدافُعَ خَيلٍ أُرسِلَت لِرِهانِ
6. Those are waters - if I drank their freshness
Every killing disease in me would be cured
٦. فَتِلكَ مِياهٌ لَو شَرِبتُ زُلالَها
وَبي كُلُّ داءٍ قاتِلٍ لَشَفاني
7. If only a life, serene, I'd severed
In your shadow, O you two mountains
٧. أَلا حَبَّذا عَيشٌ هَنيءٌ قَطَعتُهُ
بِظِلِّكُما يا أَيُّها الجَبَلانِ
8. You two wrestled like baby horses, and overlooked
With your slopes, the best of livelihoods for people
٨. تَناوَحتُما كَالفَرقَدَينِ فَأَشرَفَت
بِسَفحَيكُما لِلناسِ خَيرُ مَغانِ
9. Your eyes are sated, while mine are burning
Can one far from home be like one nearby?
٩. عُيونُكُما قَرَّت وَعَيني سَخينَةٌ
وَهَل يَستَوي قاصي الدِيارِ وَداني
10. Is this despite what you've endured of the exile of dwellings?
So how must one exiled from home since ages feel?
١٠. أَهَذا وَما كابَدتُما غُربَةَ النَوى
فَكَيفَ الغَريبُ الدارِ مُنذُ زَمانِ