1. Let no man take pride in power that shifts
From hand to hand, he that was raised aloft
١. لا يَفرَحَن في ذا الزَمانِ بِخِلعَةٍ
والٍ هُوَ المَعزولُ وَالمَصروفُ
2. Is now cast down and spurned. A gaudy dress
Can make the hunchback seem a stately calf.
٢. هِيَ زينَةٌ تَعلو الجَزورُ فَإِن تَلُح
صِح يا سَمينُ عَلَيهِ يا مَعلوفُ
3. If, O well-favored sir, it comes your turn
To don it, trust not long to luck's dispraise
٣. ما يُطعِمُ الجَزّارُ شاةً حَبَّةً
حُبّاً فَفي تِلكَ الحُبوب حُتوفُ