1. My cup prevailed, though it was lofty, and my cup
My woe turned away, and my profit drew near.
١. فازَ قِدحي وَهوَ المُعَلَّى وَقَدحي
وَتَوَلّى بَرحي وَأَقبَلَ رِبحي
2. When I see the brilliant sun in the morning
Under the night of Ibn Subhi's hair,
٢. إِذا رَأَيتُ الشَمسَ المُنيرَةَ في رَأ
دِ الضُحى تَحتَ لَيلِ شَعرِ اِبنِ صُبحِ
3. Brandishing the edge of a sword in its sheath,
Opening from his stature the length of a spear,
٣. مُشهِرٌ في لِحاظِهِ حَدَّ سَيفٍ
مُشرِعٌ مِن قَوامِهِ قَدَّ رُمحِ
4. If his face contained all beauty,
Then my blame contained all ugliness.
٤. إِن يَكُن وَجهُه حَوى كُلَّ حُسنٍ
فَعَذولي فيهِ حَوى كُلَّ قُبحِ
5. O my tears, flow plentifully down my cheek in love-pain!
There is no justice in love that you should be stingy.
٥. يا دُموعي سُحّي عَلى الخَدِّ وَجداً
ما مِنَ العَدلِ في الهَوى أَن تَشِحّي
6. He who bends not in mail with sword, helmet, and spear,
Is no lover of peace.
٦. ما تَثَنّى في الدِرعِ بِالسَيفِ وَالخو
ذَةِ وَالرُمحِ راغِبٌ في الصُلحِ
7. He transgressed the law, shedding people's blood unlawfully,
So in him desire is of ample extent.
٧. خالَفَ الشَرعَ فَاِستَباحَ دَمَ النا
سِ فَفيهِ الهَوى طَويلُ الشَرحِ
8. His black eyelids have intoxicated us, yet
Unleash, O preacher of my advice, the white swords!
٨. أَسكَرَتنا جُفونُهُ السودُ لَكِن
سَلّ بيض السُيوفِ يا صاحِ نُصحي
9. If a blamer returns to blame,
I spare not his ear with sarcasm.
٩. إن يَعُد عاذِلٌ إِلى العَذلِ فيهِ
لَم أَدَع عَركَ أُذنِهِ بِالمِلحِ
10. The glance all but takes away the mouth with the eyes,
And the charming glance is enchanting at a glance.
١٠. كادَ بِاللَمعِ يَذهَبُ الثَغر بِالأب
صارِ وَالطَرفُ فاتِنٌ بِاللَمحِ
11. God did not prevent him from union in avarice,
Yet he, despite that, prospers in withholding.
١١. ما وَقاهُ الإِلَهُ شحّاً بِوَصلٍ
وَهوَ مَع ذاكَ مُفلِحٌ بِالشُحِّ
12. My fasting from him is like Christians' fasting -
Would that I knew when I shall see the feast of my desire!
١٢. إِن صَومي عَنهُ كَصَومِ النَصارى
لَيتَ شِعري مَتى أَرى عيدَ فِصحي