1. Does passion help, or is it of use?
Or is there fault in one who weeps?
١. هَل يَنفَعُ الوَجدُ أَو يُفيدُ
أَم هَل عَلى مَن بَكى جُناح
2. O demise of my heart, you've been absent from me,
So the night to me is without dawn.
٢. يا مُنيَةَ القَلبِ غِبتَ عَنّي
فَاللَيلُ عِندي بِلا صَباح
3. I ransom him from an averter who has turned away,
No eye from him, nor trace.
٣. أَفديهِ مِن معرضٍ تَولّى
لا عَينٌ مِنهُ وَلا أَثَر
4. He tortured me in his love, never
Leaving aught of me, nor letting be.
٤. عَذَّبَني في هَواهُ كَلّا
لَم يُبقِ مِنّي وَلَم يَذَر
5. O eye, turn from me, for there is to me
No patience for tears or wakefulness.
٥. يا عَينُ عَنّى فَلَيسَ إِلى
صَبر عَلى الدَمعِ وَالسَهَر
6. And longing does what it desires
In a liver all wounds.
٦. وَيَفعَل الشَوقُ ما يُريد
في كَبِدٍ كُلّها جِراح
7. O shame of the full moon, ask me not
Of the tyranny of your salty glances.
٧. يا مُخجِلَ البَدرِ لا تَسَلني
عَن جورِ أَلحاظِك المِلاح
8. In addition to the joy of day
From his beauty time is ever increasing.
٨. زادَ عَلى بَهجَةِ النَهارِ
مِن حُسنِهِ الدَهرُ في اِزدِياد
9. A glance possessing spellbinding power
Does in reason what it desires.
٩. لَحظٌ لَهُ سَطوَةَ العقار
يَفعَل في العَقلِ ما أَراد
10. His cheeks are like roses in bloom
That his glance picks, or nearly does.
١٠. خَدّاهُ كَالوَردِ في البِهار
يَقطِفُ بِاللَحظِ أَو يَكاد
11. And that smiling mouth
Its pearls and its parting of delight,
١١. وَذلِكَ المَبسَم البَرود
حَصاهُ درّ وَصرفُ راح
12. Or like what I said, juicy water
With which blooming meadows are watered.
١٢. أَو مِثل ما قُلت ماءَ مُزنٍ
يُسقى بِهِ يانِع الأَقاح
13. O you who has the most wondrous attributes,
O branch, O association, O moon!
١٣. يا مَن لَهُ أَبدَع الصِفات
يا غُصنُ يا دعصُ يا قَمَر
14. You went away, and there came not from you
A visitor, so hearing and sight felt lonely.
١٤. غِبتَ فَلَم يَأتِ مِنكَ آت
فَاِستَوحَشَ السَمعَ وَالبَصَر
15. Were it not for the zephyrs of those places
My heart would have melted from thought.
١٥. لَولا صَبا تلكُمُ الجِهات
لَذابَ قَلبي مِنَ الفِكر
16. O you who has traveled far away!
The winds brought tidings of you,
١٦. يا أَيُّها النازِحُ البَعيد
جاءَت بِأَنبائِكَ الرِياح
17. The zephyrs informed me, the meadow shook
And its flowers' fragrance wafted.
١٧. إِنَّ الصبا عَنكَ أَخبَرَتني
ما اِهتَزَّ رَوضُ الرُبى وَفاح
18. O sorcerer, above every sorcerer,
And who can describe his beauty?
١٨. يا ساحِراً فَوقَ كُلِّ ساحِرٍ
وَمَن لَهُ حُسنه أَصِف
19. A face like the radiant dawn,
The cloak of beauty he wraps around himself.
١٩. وَجهٌ كَالصَباح باهِر
أَردِيَة الحُسنِ يَلتَحِف
20. Like a garden wreathed with flowers
That his glance picks, if it picks.
٢٠. كَالرَوضِ حَفَّت بِهِ الأَزاهر
يَقطِفُ بِاللَحظِ إِن قَطَف
21. Like the full moon on a night of serenity
Its brilliance shone forth and beamed,
٢١. كَالبَدرِ في لَيلَةِ السُعود
أَشرَقَ لَألاؤُهُ وَلاح
22. Like the tender bough bending
The breezes shake its branches.
٢٢. كَالغُصن اللَدن في التَثَنّي
تَهزُّ أَعطافهُ الرِياح
23. Who is for me with rouged fingers
And swaying coyness and charms?
٢٣. مَن لي بِمَخضوبَةِ البَنان
مَمشوقَةِ القَدِّ وَالدَلال
24. Whose abandonment resembles time itself
Past and future and present.
٢٤. مَن هَجرُها مُشبِه الزَمان
ماضٍ وَمُستَقبل وَحال
25. In her my blamer lamented my condition
Then turned laughing and said:
٢٥. فيها رَثى عاذِلي لِشاني
ثُمَّ اِنثَنى ضاحِكاً وَقال
26. A lover, and poor - God wants
An heir for one who loves coquetry.
٢٦. عاشِقٌ وَمِسكينُ اللَه يريد
وارِثٌ لِمَن يَعشقُ المِلاح
27. So farewell, she who abandons or unites me,
A sorcerer has no suggestions to make.
٢٧. فَداع يَهجُرن أَو يَصِلني
لَيسَ عَلى ساحِر اِقتِراح