
The darkness of feeling descended

سدلن ظلام الشعور

1. The darkness of feeling descended
Upon faces like full moons

١. سَدَلنَ ظَلامَ الشُعور
عَلى أَوجُهٍ كَالبُدور

2. They traveled, so the morning shone
They shook the poles of spears

٢. سَفَرنَ فَلاحَ الصَباح
هَزَزنَ قُدودَ الرِماح

3. They laughed with smiling mouths
As if what was in their breasts

٣. ضَحِكنَ اِبتِسامَ الأَقاح
كَأَنَّ الَّذي في النُحور

4. Had chosen them as gates
Ask my two enchanted eyes

٤. تَخَيَّرنَ مِنهُ الثُغور
سَلوا مُقلَتَي ساحِر

5. About magic and the magician
And about a wandering gaze

٥. عَنِ السِحرِ وَالساحِرِ
وَعَن نَظَرٍ حائِرٍ

6. That feathers the arrows of weariness
And shoots the secrets of breasts

٦. يَريشُ سِهامَ الفُتور
وَيَرمي خَبايا الصُدور

7. I almost fell for her
And my heart surrendered to her

٧. لَقَد هِمتُ وَيحي بِها
وَذَلَّلَ قَلبي لَها

8. But, by passion, she
Is a shy gazelle, shying away

٨. أَما وَالهَوى أَنَّها
لَظَبيُ كِناس نَفور

9. Dens are jealous of her
I am deprived of the sweetness of seeing her

٩. تَغارُ عَلَيهِ الخُدور
حُرِمتُ لَذيذَ الكرى

10. I stayed up while people slept
I wonder, do you see

١٠. سَهِرتُ وَنامَ الوَرى
تُرى لَيتَ شعري ترى

11. My night hours like months?
Or does the night revolve around me?

١١. أَساعات لَيلي شُهور
أَمِ اللَيلُ حَولي يَدور

12. I attained a gloomy love
So misery, bitterness, and injustice

١٢. ظَفِرت بِصَبٍّ كَئيب
فَنَكدٌ وَعَذبٌ وَجور

13. And your patient lover exceeded the limit

١٣. وَأَسرف غُلامك صَبور