1. The master of the generous horse sees provision for his food
So return to the tribe of people who are our providers
١. رَبُّ الجَوادِ فَرى عَيناً لِمَأكَلِهِ
فَعُد مِن رَهطِ أَقوامٍ فَراعينا
2. Tell those who disobey their guests who provide for them
That those who obey will be touched by those who provide
٢. قُل لِلمَطاعيمِ تَعصيهِم ضُيوفُهُمُ
إِنَّ المَطاعينَ يَمسونَ المُطاعينا
3. And a man is praised when he strives early as a provider
And he is not praised when he lags in providing
٣. وَيُحمَدُ المَرءُ في الساعينَ مُبتَكِراً
وَلَيسَ يُحمَدُ يَوماً في المُساعينا
4. And you will still find in the darkness and light
Heralds without good tidings, and wailers
٤. وَما تَزالُ تُلاقي في دُجىً وَضُحىً
مُبَشِّرينَ بِلا بُشرى وَناعينا
5. And I have not found the turns of fate turning away
From those devoted to the face of God, supplicating
٥. وَما وَجَدتُ صُروفَ الدَهرِ ناكِبَةً
عَن قانِتينَ لِوَجهِ اللَهِ داعينا
6. The worst of women are those who go about freely morning and night
Like the earth bearing promiscuous children
٦. شَرُّ النِساءِ مُشاعاتٌ غَدَونَ سُدىً
كَالأَرضِ يَحمِلنَ أَولاداً مُشاعينا
7. And the matter belongs to God—how many a youth he has destroyed and is gone
Leaving behind orphaned infants
٧. وَالأَمرُ لِلَّهِ كَم أَودى فَتىً وَمَضى
عَيناً وَخَلَّفَ أَطفالاً مُضاعينا
8. And life, however long it is, passes as quickly as the shortest
Seven decades being like seven or nine like ninety
٨. وَالعَيشُ أَوفاهُ يَمضي مِثلَ أَقصَرِهِ
سَبعٌ كَسَبعينَ أَو تُسعٌ كَتِسعينا
9. And if you were to obey the Master of all people
You would not be distracted by the pleasures of this world
٩. وَلَو تُراعينَ مَولى الناسِ كُلِّهُمُ
ما كُنتِ مِن نُوَبِ الدُنيا تُراعينا