
Tears flow for what is missed, pouring down

دمع على ما يفوت منسكب

1. Tears flow for what is missed, pouring down,
Neither the cup nor the goblet can contain my worries,

١. دَمعٌ عَلى ما يَفوتُ مُنسَكِبٌ
ما الكَأسُ مِن هِمَّتي وَلا الجامُ

2. We are wolves, our company extends,
Not lions, and clothes fully covering,

٢. نَحنُ ذِئابٌ ضَرّاؤُنا مَدَدٌ
لا أُسدٌ وَالثِيابُ آجامُ

3. People vary, fate has flowed through them,
When flood tide rises, dam cannot contain it,

٣. وَالناسُ شَتّى جَرى بِهِم قَدَرٌ
إِذا طَغى لَم يَعُقهُ إِلجامُ

4. My world is in folly and betrayal,
Its scholar is with suspicions, conjecturing,

٤. وَعالَمي في سَفاهَةٍ وَخَنىً
عالِمُهُ بِالظُنونِ رَجّامُ

5. God has written scrolls for demise,
Spots for them appeared, and dots,

٥. قَد كَتَبَ اللَهُ لِلرَدى صُحُفاً
وَبانَ نَقطٌ لَها وَإِعجامُ

6. So, O clouds of death, unload on us,
Is there any other resolution of time for you?

٦. فَيا سَحابَ المَنونِ سِلتِ بِنا
هَل لَكِ أُخرى الزَمانِ إِنجامُ

7. Interaction from you between us is continual,
And in it increased downpour and concentration.

٧. تَواصَلَت مِنكِ بَينَنا دِيَمٌ
وَزيدَ فيها سَحٌّ وَإِثجامُ

8. How many blackened faced ones have veils before them,
On them the invasive guest aggressive and critical,

٨. كَم أَسوَدٍ مِن أَمامِهِ حُجُبٌ
عَلَيهِ ضَيفُ الأَذاةِ هَجّامُ

9. And the century recoiled from its knights,
And death's doubt has no restraint,

٩. وَأَحجَمَ القِرنُ عَن فَوارِسِهِ
وَما لِرَيبِ المَنونِ إِحجامُ

10. Those are the lands of vegetation not watered,
And the cloud over the sands pouring.

١٠. تِلكَ بِلادُ النَباتِ ما سُقِيَت
وَالغَيمُ فَوقَ الرِمالِ سَجّامُ