1. I wonder at the bird with outstretched wings
When people prosper with wealth, it becomes poor
١. عَجِبتُ لِوَرقاءِ الجَناحَينِ شَأنُها
إِذا غَنِيَ الأَقوامُ بِالمالِ فَقرُها
2. Yesterday it was in a yellow, ramshackle village
Seeking provisions, pecking the ground
٢. غَدَت أَمسِ في قُرِّيَّةٍ صَفَرِيَّةٍ
بَقِرِّيَّةٍ يوعى بِها الزادَ نَقرُها
3. It barely took three or so grains
Of seed until its falcon came to kill it
٣. فَما أَخَذَت إِلّا ثَلاثاً وَنَحوَها
مِنَ الحُبِّ حَتّى جاءَ بِالحَتفِ صَقرُها
4. It never returned to its nest
And it was enough for that arrow to pierce it
٤. وَما رَجَعَت يَوماً إِلى عُقرِ دارِها
وَكانَ بِكَفَّي ذَلِكَ السَهمِ عَقرُها
5. I see a dark horse chasing a blond mare
And they race into the gloom until she tires
٥. أَرى أَدهَمَ الظَلماءِ يَعقُبُ شُقرَةً
فَتودي بِها دُهمُ الجِيادِ وَشُقرُها
6. So respect, O brother, the pious ascetic of his faith
And scorn your own soul - its humbleness benefits you
٦. فَعَظِّم أَخا النَسكِ التَقِيَّ لِدينِهِ
وَنَفسَكَ فَاِحقَر نافِعٌ لَكَ حَقرُها
7. And do not study the books that misguide from their texts
For the paths of guidance have become clear - so follow them
٧. وَلا تَقرَإِ الكُتُبَ المُضَلِّلَ دَرسُها
وَقَد وَضُحَت طُرقُ الهِدايَةِ فَاِقرُها
8. O one worn out like a branch, you became bent over
When heavy loads weakened its capacity
٨. فَيا مُهجَةً كَالعَودِ أَمسَت مُناخَةً
إِذا شَكَت الأَثقالَ ضوعِفَ وِقرُها
9. Whenever my ear hears the advice of an adviser
It finds relief from the talk of the advice killer
٩. مَتى سَمِعَت أُذني مَقالَةَ ناصِحٍ
أُتيحَ لَها عَن قاتِلِ النُصحِ وَقرُها