1. Do not disdain your profession if you seek
A solution, and count the earnings of wrongdoers.
١. لا تَأنَفَنَّ مِن اِحتِرافِكَ طالِباً
حِلّاً وَعَدِّ مَكاسِبَ الفُجّارِ
2. For glory was attained by the carpenter folk
In Yathrib, the sons of an-Najjar.
٢. فَالمَجدُ أَدرَكَهُ عَلى عِلّاتِهِ
قَومٌ بِيَثرِبَ مِن بَني النَجّارِ
3. And if you fear a slip on a slippery surface,
Then overlook it if it comes from a leaseholder.
٣. وَإِذا أَمِنَت عَلى الظَعينَةِ زِلَّةً
فَاِصفَح إِن اِطَّلَعَت مِنَ الإِجّارِ
4. For this soul has a desire to lie
Until it refrains from harm through estrangement.
٤. فَلِهَذِهِ النَفسِ لَكَذوبِ تَشَوّفٌ
حَتّى تُكَفُّ عَنِ الأَذى بِهجارِ
5. And words hurt, reproach is a grudge,
And estrangement derives from boycotting.
٥. وَالقَولُ يُوَجِعُ وَالعِتابُ ضَغينَةٌ
وَالهَجرُ مُشتَقٌّ عَنِ الإِهجارِ
6. So choose for yourself a dwelling where you have privacy,
For all foxes smell out a neighbor.
٦. فَاِختَر لِنَفسِكَ مَنزِلاً تَخلو بِهِ
كُلُّ الثَعالِبِ رائِحٌ لَوِجارِ
7. The head of the son of Adam, its origin and branches
Are his feet, the opposite of plants and trees.
٧. رَأسُ ابنِ آدَمَ أَصلُهُ وَفُروعُهُ
قَدَماهُ ضِدُّ النَبتِ وَالأَشجارِ
8. And if you cut off those heads, it is permissible
One day to get them back by an operative decree.
٨. وَإِذا قَطَعتَ رُؤوسَ تِلكَ فَجائِزٌ
يَوماً تَراجُعُها بِحُكمٍ جاري
9. And when you pull out the passionate soul of an oath-swearer,
Then it is destruction intentionally without estrangement.
٩. وَمَتّى نَزَعتَ لِحِلفِ روحٍ هامَةً
فَهُوَ الرَدى عَمداً بِغَيرِ شِجارِ
10. And evil is in people's nature. So if it shows
Anything besides it, then it is not a tent pitchers tent.
١٠. وَالشَرُّ في طَبعِ الأَنامِ فَإِن يُبِن
شَيئاً سِواهُ فَلَيسَ خِيَمَ نِجارِ
11. Did the mountains bring down the men with languor
Or silver while both are from minerals?
١١. هَفَتِ الجِبالُ مِنَ الرِجالِ بِعَسجَدٍ
أَو فِضَّةٍ وَهُما مِنَ الأَحجارِ
12. They were desirous but I disdain whoever you see above the earth
Seeking profit with God, the profit of trade.
١٢. رَغِبوا فَأَزهَدُ مَن تَرى فَوقَ الثَرى
يَبغونَ عِندَ اللَهِ رِبحَ تِجارِ