
The belly of the soil sufficed me from the evil of its surface

بطن التراب كفاني شر ظاهره

1. The belly of the soil sufficed me from the evil of its surface,
And justice was made clear between servant and king.

١. بَطنُ التُرابِ كَفاني شَرَّ ظاهِرِهِ
وَبَيَّنَ العَدلَ بَينَ العَبدِ وَالمَلِكِ

2. I have lived a long life in which I have not known,
Any feeling that feels for jinn or angel.

٢. قَد عِشتُ عُمراً طَويلاً ماعَلِمتُ بِهِ
حِسّاً يَحِسُّ لِجِنِّيٍ وَلا مَلَكِ

3. And the kingdom belongs to God - neither his elders
Nor the young of the living or the dead are lost.

٣. وَالمُلكُ لِلَّهِ ما ضاعَت أَكابِرُهُ
وَلا أُصاغِرُ أَحياءٍ وَلا هُلُكِ

4. If a body dies, this earth hides it,
And if a soul departs from it, it is in the heavens.

٤. إِن ماتَ جِسمٌ فَهَذي الأَرضُ تَخزِنُهُ
وَإِن نَأَت عَنهُ روحٌ فَهِيَ بِالفَلَكِ

5. And if I were to walk openly, fate would come to me -
The brother of Sura or the young of chain and wire.

٥. وَلَو غَدَوتُ سُلَيكاً جاءَني قَدَرٌ
أَخا السُرى أَو صَغيرَ السَلكِ وَالسُلُكِ