
O cock, your cry prepared by your hands

أيا ديك عدت من أياديك صيحة

1. O cock, your cry prepared by your hands
Woke the dead of the land while he slept

١. أَيا ديكُ عُدَّت مِن أَياديكَ صَيحَةٌ
بَعَثتَ بِها مَيتَ الكَرى وَهُوَ نائِمُ

2. You screamed and the people said Aus son of Mu'ir
Or Ibn Rabbah standing in the station

٢. هَتَفتَ فَقالَ الناسُ أَوسُ بنُ مُعيرٍ
أَو اِبنُ رَباحٍ بِالمَحَلَّةِ قائِمُ

3. Perhaps Bilal sprang up from long slumber
And those rags in the land were worn out

٣. لَعَلَّ بِلالاً هَبَّ مِن طولِ رَقدَةٍ
وَقَد بَلِيَت في الأَرضِ تِلكَ الرَمائِمُ

4. And a blessed ear is Ibn Hamamah’s
When the white doves coo to those remembering

٤. وَنِعمَ أُذينُ المَعشَرِ اِبنُ حَمامَةٍ
إِذا سَجَعَت لِلذاكِرينَ الحَمائِمُ

5. And in you, if the coward loses valor
The honorable companions are protected by it

٥. وَفيكَ إِذا ما ضَيَّعَ النِكسُ غَيرَةٌ
تُصانُ بِها المُستَصحَباتُ الكَرائِمُ

6. And generosity with the abundance of gifts
To those whom you defended though the clouds did not rain

٦. وَجودٌ بِمَوجودِ النَوالِ عَلى الَّتي
حَمَيتَ وَإِن لَم تَستَهِلَّ الغَمائِمُ

7. Stabbing in the intensity of battle is balanced before you
When defeat is adorned for the weak

٧. يُزانُ لَدَيكَ الطَعنُ في حَومَةِ الوَغى
إِذا زُيِّنَت لِلعاجِزينَ الهَزائِمُ

8. If you were compensated with precious pearls
For the innocence blamed by the blamers

٨. فَلَو كُنتَ بِالدُرِّ الثَمينِ مُعَوَّضاً
مِنَ البُرِّ ما لامَت عَلَيهِ اللَوائِمُ

9. And the descending stars find before you shining swords
It is said strange ones from twin seas

٩. وَتُلقى لَدَيكَ المُنقِضاتُ نَواصِعاً
يُقالُ غَريباتُ البِحارِ التَوائِمُ

10. The elders saw them as if they are gazelles
Whose strings the inoculators inoculated

١٠. رَآها كِباراً مَن بَراها كَأَنَّها
تَريكُ نَعامٍ أَودَعَتهُ الصَرائِمُ

11. And you prefer with the meager food a noble nature
Noble woman whose morals blamers did not use

١١. وَتُؤثِرُ بِالقوتِ الحَليلَةَ شيمَةً
كَريمِيَّةً ما اِستَعمَلَتها الأَلائِمُ

12. It is as if you are the stallion of horses around you, gentle
Upon them innocence and fetlocks

١٢. كَأَنَّكَ فَحلُ الشَولِ حَولَكَ أَينَقٌ
عَلَيها بُرىً مِن طاعَةٍ وَخَزائِمُ

13. So you see weak spots and turn away as if they
Are contentions quenched before you by the adversaries

١٣. فَتُلمَحُ تاراتٍ وَتُغضي كَأَنَّها
ضَرائِرُ سَفَّتها لَدَيكَ الخَصائِمُ

14. So there are red and black destroyers as if they are
Arrows of the master lined up by the pillars

١٤. فَحُمرٌ وَسودٌ حالِكاتٌ كَأَنَّها
سَوامُ بَني السَيّدِ اِزدَهَتهُ القَوائِمُ

15. Upon you are clothes sewn by the Able God
By which the kind winds wrapped you

١٥. عَلَيكَ ثِيابٌ خاطَها اللَهُ قادِراً
بِها رَئِمَتكَ العاطِفاتُ الرَوائِمُ

16. And your crown is fastened as if you are Hormuz
Boasting with it to his possessions, consistent

١٦. وَتاجُكَ مَعقودٌ كَأَنَّكَ هُرمُزٌ
يُباهي بِهِ أَملاكَهُ وَيُوائِمُ

17. And your eye is lowered, it did not fail in blessing
Like the sparkle of lightning, time has no blamer for it

١٧. وَعَينُكَ سِقطٌ ما خَبا عِندَ قِرَّةٍ
كَلَمعَةِ بَرقٍ ما لَها الدَهرَ شائِمُ

18. And it never lacked a fireplace for it
When the kindlers approached with their small firewood

١٨. وَما إِفَتَقَرت يَوماً إِلى موقِدٍ لَها
إِذا قُرِّبَت لِلموقِدينَ الهَشائِمُ

19. You inherited the guidance of remembrance from past ancestors
When the favors shone in the sky

١٩. وَرِثتَ هُدى التَذكارِ مِن قَبلَ جُرهُمٍ
أَوانَ تَرَقَّت في السَماءِ النَعائِمُ

20. And you still support the ancient religion
When its pillars shake from its carriers

٢٠. وَما زِلتَ لِلدَينِ القَديمِ دِعامَةً
إِذا قَلِقَت مِن حامِليهِ الدَعائِمُ

21. And if you were not for me, cities would be ruined
And no faster desired to eat you while fasting

٢١. وَلَو كُنتَ لي ما أُرهِفَت لَكَ مُديَةٌ
وَلا رامَ إِفطاراً بِأَكلِكَ صائِمُ

22. And water was not scarce lest clothes be torn
Friends loved you with their fangs, past ages

٢٢. وَلَم يُغلَ ماءٌ كَي تُمَزَّقَ حُلَّةٌ
حَبَتكَ بِأَسناها العُصورُ القَدائِمُ

23. You did not become drunk on wine which its taste
Is as if you are floating on a flood of torrents

٢٣. وَلا عُمتَ في الخَمرِ الَّتي حالَ طَعمُها
كَأَنَّكَ في غَمرٍ مِنَ السَيلِ عائِمُ

24. And you found goodness from me thinking no ill
Or evil and insults will confront you

٢٤. وَلاقَيتَ عِندي الخَيرَ تَحسَبُ عَيِّلاً
يُنافيكَ قَولٌ سَيِّئٌ وَشَتائِمُ

25. So if God recorded crimes angrily
On the people, crimes would not be recorded on you

٢٥. فَإِن كَتَبَ اللَهُ الجَرائِمَ ساخِطاً
عَلى الخَلقِ لَم تُكتَب عَلَيكَ الجَرائِمُ

26. Would you like to return to the pond of life readily
When the prying selves are adorned from it

٢٦. فَهَل تُرِدنَ حَوضَ الحَياةِ مُبادِراً
إِذا حُلِّئَت عَنهُ النُفوسُ الحَوائِمُ

27. And live nicely between the two prophets
In eternal life not touched by blamers

٢٧. وَتَرتَعُ ما بَينَ النَبيئَينِ ناعِماً
بِعَيشَةِ خُلدٍ لَم تَنَلها السَمائِمُ

28. And the words of the country's inhabitants are three
An opponent, appeaser and reconciler alternated on them

٢٨. وَأَقوالُ سُكّانِ البِلادِ ثَلاثَةٌ
تَوالى عَلَيها عانِدٌ وَمُلائِمُ

29. So a word is punishment, a word leniency
And another should be punished, not the beasts

٢٩. فَقَولٌ جَزاءٌ ما وَقَولٌ تَهاوُنٌ
وَآخَرُ يُجزى إِنسُهُ لا البَهائِمُ

30. They compete with us in our affairs after us
And we move on with the causes and the deed persists

٣٠. يُضارِعُنا مَن بَعدَنا في أُمورِنا
وَنَمضي عَلى العِلّاتِ وَالفِعلُ دائِمُ

31. And each recommends himself in his privacy
To asceticism but intentions are not firm

٣١. وَكُلٌّ يُوَصّي النَفسَ عِندَ خُلُوِّهِ
بِزُهدٍ وَلَكِن لا تَصِحُّ العَزائِمُ

32. And where can I escape from my time and its people
When Nejd is filled with evil we find and misfortunes

٣٢. وَأَينَ فِراري مِن زَماني وَأَهلِهِ
وَقَد غَصَّ شَرّاً نَجِدهُ وَالتَهائِمُ

33. And in each month mentality fells fate
So we affix incantations in it with the crescent

٣٣. وَفي كُلِّ شَهرٍ تَصرَعُ الدَهرَ جِنَّةٌ
فَنُعقَدُ فيهِ بِالهِلالِ التَمائِمُ

34. It has amulets in every East and West
Guarded by the believer of the house and the pessimist

٣٤. لَهُ عُوَذٌ في كُلِّ شَرقٍ وَمَغرِبٍ
رَعاها اليَمانِيَ الدارِ وَالمُتَشائِمُ

35. The heart refused save Umm Dafra as it refused
Except for Umm ‘Amr, confused heart roaming

٣٥. أَبى القَلبُ إِلّا أُمَّ دَفرٍ كَما أَبى
سِوى أُمَّ عَمرٍو موجَعُ القَلبِ هائِمُ

36. It is the coveted beloved, and along with its charm
My wishes of it besides them are grand

٣٦. هِيَ المُنتَهى وَالمُشتَهى وَمَعَ السُهى
أَمانِيُّ مِنها دونَهُنَّ العَظائِمُ

37. We did not meet her except jealous of her
In the chests except immoralities

٣٧. وَلَم تَلقَنا إِلّا وَفينا تَحاسُدٌ
عَلَيها وَإِلّا في الصُدورِ سَخائِمُ

38. She descended in Hasha then gained independence and left
Skulls passing over which clouds roam

٣٨. نَزَت في الحَشا ثُمَّ اِستَقَلَّت فَغادَرَت
جَماجِمَ تَنزو فَوقَهُنَّ الغَمائِمُ

39. And which one of us is unharmed and no loss
Befell her, and horses missed her due to inattention

٣٩. وَأَيّا مُنا عيسٌ وَلَيسَ أَزِمَّةٌ
عَلَيها وَخَيلٌ أَغفَلَتها الشَكائِمُ

40. She forgot good faith and her hands have no fingers
By which she could tie the burdens

٤٠. وَقَد نَسِيَت حُسنَ العُهودِ وَما لَها
بَنانُ يَدٍ فيهِ تُشَدُّ الرَتائِمُ

41. So if she became drunk, then much comfort in it
Its andirons and what is adorned on the shoulders

٤١. فَإِن سَكِرَت فَالراحُ فيها كَثيرَةٌ
ذَوارِعُها وَالمُخرَزاتُ الحَتائِمُ

42. Fair complexioned, good natured
She has loss what was scented by misfortunes

٤٢. قَسيماتُ أَلوانٍ سَميحاتُ شيمَةٍ
لَها ضائِعٌ ما طَيَّبَتهُ القَسائِمُ

43. The creation of beautiful fair-complexioned women is not commendable
When their shameful behaviors become known

٤٣. وَما خِلَقُ البيضِ الحِسانِ حَميدَةً
إِذا اِشتَهَرَت أَخلاقُهُنَّ الدَمائِمُ

44. The hours pass by hiding for us
Evil while faces are tattooed

٤٤. وَتَمضي بِنا الساعاتُ مُضمِرَةً لَنا
قَبيحاً عَلى أَنَّ الوُجوهَ وَسائِمُ

45. They enmity with what a living and dead person hides
And from the evils of men's acts, sleeping people

٤٥. نَمَمنَ بِما يَخفيهِ حَيٌّ وَمَيِّتٌ
وَمِن شَرِّ أَفعالِ الرِجالِ النَمائِمُ

46. A man lives with what he has, and is content
While a rich old man despises life

٤٦. يَعيشُ الفَتى في عُدمِهِ عَيشَ راغِبٍ
وَيُثري مُسِنٌّ لِلمَعيشَةِ سائِمُ

47. And the lights of past years are evidence
With what their subsequent eras recorded

٤٧. وَأَنوارُ أَعوامٍ مَضَينَ شَواهِدٌ
بِما ضَمِنَتهُ بَعدَهُنَّ الكَمائِمُ