
Let an old man weep, then pride deferred him

ليبك مسن ثم أجله

1. Let an old man weep, then pride deferred him,
O people of my generation, when it was said he grew old, his term was shortened,

١. لِيَبكِ مُسِنٌّ ثُمَّ أَجَلَّهُ
مَعاشِرُ لَمّا قيلَ أَشيَبُ أَجلَهُ

2. When they ask about my faith, it is clear,
And am I not like others confused him?

٢. إِذا سَأَلوا عَن مَذهَبي فَهُوَ بَيِّنٌ
وَهَل أَنا إِلّا مِثلُ غَيري أَبلَهُ

3. I was created from this world and lived like its people,
I strive as they strove and play as they played,

٣. خُلِقتُ مِنَ الدُنيا وَعِشتُ كَأَهلِها
أَجِدُّ كَما جَدّوا وَأَلهو كَما لَهوا

4. And I testify that by fate I made it lawful,
And I move away from it, afraid, to disturb it,

٤. وَأَشهَدُ أَنّي بِالقَضاءِ حَلَلتُها
وَأَرحَلُ عَنها خائِفاً أَتَأَلَّهُ

5. And the self is not inclined by good deeds,
But my reason is inclined by fear to disturb it.

٥. وَما النَفسُ بِالفِعلِ الجَميلِ مُدِلَّةٌ
وَلَكِنَّ عَقلي مِن حِذارٍ مُدَلَّهُ