
O night, the watcher has slept but the stars have not

يا ليل قد نام الشجي ولم ينم

1. O night, the watcher has slept but the stars have not
The wings of the doves, their shining star

١. يا لَيلُ قَد نامَ الشَجيُّ وَلَم يَنَم
جِنحَ الدُجُنَّةِ نَجمُها المِسهارُ

2. If the green is a blooming garden
Then its starry flowers may be blossoms

٢. إِن كانَتِ الخَضراءُ رَوضاً ناضِراً
فَلَعَلَّ زُهرَ نُجومِها أَزهارُ

3. And people are like plants shown by life
And the first of their destruction is exposure

٣. وَالناسُ مِثلُ النَبتِ يُظهِرُهُ الحَيا
وَيَكونُ أَوَّلَ هُلكِهِ الإِظهارُ

4. One shepherdess tends them and strips their cloak
Another exposes their daisies and spring flowers

٤. تَرعاهُ راعِيَةٌ وَتَهتِكُ بُردَهُ
أُخرى وَمِنهُ شَقائِقٌ وَبَهارُ

5. What distinguished the ghosts in their forms
For the eye a dissolution of birth and violation of honor

٥. ما مَيَّزَ الأَطفالَ في أَشباحِها
لِلعَينِ حَلُّ وِلادَةٍ وَعِهارُ

6. Ignorance prevails over most knowledge that we
Perish while the One, the Subduer remains

٦. وَالجَهلُ أَغلَبُ غَيرَ عِلمٍ أَنَّنا
نَفنى وَيَبقى الواحِدُ القَهّارُ

7. It's as if the sons who are as motes
Are chaste people, I won't say skilled

٧. وَكَأَنَّ أَبناءَ الَّذينَ هُمُ الذَرى
أَعفاءُ أَهلٍ لا أَقولُ مِهارُ

8. If only Adam had divorced their mother
Or forbidden her to him as wife

٨. يا لَيتَ آدَمَ كانَ طَلَّقَ أُمَّهُم
أَو كانَ حَرَّمَها عَلَيهِ ظِهارُ

9. She bore them in other than purity, mating illicitly
So purity is lost among them

٩. وَلَدَتهُمُ في غَيرِ طُهرٍ عارِكاً
فَلِذاكَ تُفقَدُ فيهِمُ الأَطهارُ

10. I have a secret that cannot be told
Hidden from the sighted though it's daylight

١٠. وَلَدَيَّ سِرٌّ لَيسَ يُمكِنُ ذِكرُهُ
يَخفى عَلى البَصراءِ وَهوَ نَهارُ

11. As for guidance I found it among us
Secretly but misguidance openly

١١. أَمّا هَدىً فَوَجَدتُهُ ما بَينَنا
سِرّاً وَلَكِنَّ الضَلالَ جِهارُ

12. And adversity shows the noble one virtue
As musk, its diffusion is raised by investigation

١٢. وَالرُزءُ يُبدي لِلكَريمِ فَضيلَةً
كَالمِسكِ تَرفَعُ نَشرَهُ الأَفهارُ

13. So forbid your honored but sinning wife, struggling
And suffice not to select in-laws

١٣. فَاِزجُر عَزيزَتَكَ المُسيئَةَ جاهِداً
وَاِستَكفِ أَن تُتَخَيَّرَ الأَصهارُ