1. The rule remains supported on tent poles
Yet no pole can bear standing beneath it
١. وَالحُكمُ جارٍ عَلى الأَكتادِ مُحتَمَلٌ
وَلا يُطيقُ ثَباتاً تَحتَهُ الكَتَدُ
2. How many a generation has departed while this land remains
Having never deviated from its pegs and poles
٢. كَم زالَ جيلٌ وَهَذي الأَرضُ باقِيَةٌ
ما هَمَّ بِالزيغِ مِن أَوتادِها وَتَدُ
3. I lead a life of woe with woeful lives on camels
Can what I wish for be conveyed by the camel rider?
٣. أَقتادُ هَمّاً بِأَقتادٍ عَلى إِبلٍ
وَهَل يُبَلِّغُ ما أَمَّلتُهُ القَتَدُ
4. If people understood what calamity their sons bring
Thousands could be bought for a coin, yet they pull back
٤. لَو يَفهَمُ الناسُ ما أَبنائُهُم جَلَبٌ
وَبيعَ بِالفَلسِ أَلفٌ مِنهُمُ كَسَدوا