
My desire for longevity has long brought hardship to the young man

مريدي بقائي طالما لقي الفتى

1. My desire for longevity has long brought hardship to the young man
Through the burden of prolonged life, and Allah knows best

١. مُريدي بَقائي طالَما لَقِيَ الفَتى
عَناءً بِطولِ العَيشِ وَاللَهُ يَعلَمُ

2. If the reach of life brings no profit
Other than misery, then death is better and safer

٢. إِذا كانَ بَسطُ العُمرِ لَيسَ بِكاسِبٍ
سِوى شِقوَةٍ فَالمَوتُ خَيرٌ وَأَسلَمُ

3. An astray man led his people astray from their elders
So they are steps to misguidance and a ladder

٣. أَفادَ غَوِيٌّ غَيَّهُ عَن شُيوخِهِ
فَهُم دَرَجاتٌ لِلضَلالِ وَسُلَّمُ

4. And two ignorant winds destroyed him
One old and one recent graduate

٤. وَأَهلَكَهُ جَهلانِ بادٍ مُرَكَّبٌ
قَديماً وَتالٍ بَعدَهُ يُتَعَلَّمُ

5. I contemplated and affirmed that his silence
Is guidance and piety, so let him not speak going forward

٥. تَفَكَّرتُ وَاِستَثبَتُّ أَنَّ سُكوتَهُ
هُدىً وَتُقىً فَليَغدُ لا يَتكَلَّمُ

6. I see the plants as more deserving to feel their destruction
If they claim that even rocks feel pain

٦. أَرى النَبتَ أَولى أَن يُحِسَّ بِحَطمِهِ
إِذا زَعَموا أَنَّ الصُخورَ تَأَلَّمُ

7. And I testify that time is fleeting like a dream
And that the eternal full moon will fade and wane

٧. وَأَشهَدُ أَنَّ الدَهرَ كَالحُلمِ زائِلٌ
وَأَنَّ أَديمَ البَدرِ يَبلى وَيَحلَمُ

8. I found the hand of the Giver withdrawing and His eye
Turning away, and the claws of lions blunted

٨. وَجَدتُ يَدَ الوَهّابِ تُطوى وَعَينَهُ
تُكَفُ وَأَظفارَ اللُيوثِ تُقَلَّمُ