
I found the blackness of my head changing its color

وجدت سواد الرأس تقلب لونه

1. I found the blackness of my head changing its color
From time, a whiteness that differs in hue

١. وَجَدتُ سَوادَ الرَأسِ تَقلُبُ لَونَهُ
مِنَ الدَهرِ بيضٌ يَختَلِفنَ وَجونُ

2. So let not the owner of a state be deceived by kingship
For how much brightness has night obscured

٢. فَلا يَغتَرِر بِالمُلكِ صاحِبُ دَولَةٍ
فَكَم مِن ضِياءٍ غَيَّبَتهُ دُجونُ

3. And I see the supporters of Iblis abundantly
And none like what lightnings have fulfilled for him

٣. وَإِنّي أَرى أَنصارَ إِبليسَ جَمَّةً
وَلا مِثلَ ما أَوفى لَهُ الزَرَجونُ

4. So if after their parting, souls find
Comfort, then bodies are prisons

٤. فَإِن كانَتِ الأَرواحُ بَعدَ فِراقِها
تَنالُ رَخاءً فَالجُسومُ سُجونُ

5. And the water of youth, if its stay prolongs in a person
Harms him after purity, turbidity

٥. وَماءُ الصِبا إِن طالَ في الشَخصِ مُكثُهُ
أَضَرَّ بِهِ بَعدَ الصَفاءِ أُجونُ