1. I have translated the poem from Arabic to English while preserving the poetic output:
I drank ease with ease
١. شَرِبتُ الراحَ بِالراحِ
وَقَد كُنتُ لَها تارِك
2. Though I had abandoned it
So wake up, the waker cried
٢. فَيا صاحِ نَهى الصاح
يَّ جَهلٌ عَنكَ مُدّارَك
3. O ignorance has veiled you
And you give it for your world
٣. وَتُسقاها لِدُنياكَ
وَتِلكَ المومِسُ الفارِك
4. That wandering flirt
Who hoped with her for union
٤. تَرَجّى عِندَها وَصلاً
رُوَيداً إِنَّها عارِك
5. Gently, she brings shame
She betrays the first troth
٥. تَخونُ الأَوَّلَ العَهدَ
فَخَلِّ العِرسَ أَو شارِك
6. So depart the marriage feast or share
When will he throw me on the litter
٦. مَتّى يُلحِقُني بِالرَك
بِ هَذا الجَمَلُ الآرِك
7. With this lame camel
Lo, the people have gone
٧. أَلا قَد ذَهَبَ الناسُ
وَنِضوي رِزامٌ بارِك