1. Barrenness has overcome her, neither conceiving nor giving birth,
And that is better for her, had she been given wisdom.
١. قَد سائَها العُقمُ لا ضَمَّت وَلا وَلَدَت
وَذاكَ خَيرٌ لَها لَو أُعطِيَت رَشَدا
2. Death takes nothing from a lonely soul,
Except itself, when it pounces and gathers.
٢. ما يَأخُذُ المَوتُ مِن نَفسٍ لِمُنفَرِدٍ
شَيئاً سِواها إِذا ما اِغتالَ وَاِحتَشَدا
3. And the good advisor - no ear listens to him.
He went astray since this world began, and has not been sung.
٣. وَمُنشِدُ الخَيرِ لا تُصغي لَهُ أُذُنٌ
قَد ضَلَّ مُذ كانَتِ الدُنِّيا فَما نُشِدا