
He blocked the way with a burden, and his like

قطع الطريق بمهمه ونظيره

1. He blocked the way with a burden, and his like
In Egypt did an astrologer and determined one

١. قَطَعَ الطَريقَ بِمَهمَهٍ وَنَظيرَهُ
في المِصرِ فَعِلَ مُنَجِّمٍ وَمُعَزِّمِ

2. Our names match, while our nicknames
Differ, for that is ignorance and resolution

٢. تَتَوافَقُ الأَسماءُ مِنّا وَالكِنى
مُتَبايِناتٌ فَاِنهَ جَهلاً وَاِحزَمِ

3. Never shall Al Jawzā yield them, there
As Al Jawzā with her anklet

٣. هَيهاتَ ما الجَوزاءُ تَرزُم عِندَها
وَجناءُ كَالجَوزاءِ ذاتِ المِرزَمِ

4. And resemblance of manners from those far flung
Not Khuzaymah from Akhzam

٤. وَتَشابُهُ الأَخلاقِ مِن مُتَباعِدي نَجرٍ
وَلَيسَ خُزَيمَةٌ مِن أَخزَمِ

5. By the eye of Sulaymān in its sanctity
A taste that makes one think it from Zamzam

٥. وَبِعَينِ سُلوانَ الَّتي في قُدسِها
طَعمٌ يُوَهِّمُ أَنَّها مِن زَمزَمِ

6. A man gets angry at what came to him, and how many a guy
Like gravel benefits his family by the defeated one

٦. وَالمَرءُ يُسخَطُ ما أَتاهُ وَكَم فَتىً
كَالشَنِّ يَنفَعُ أَهلَهُ بِمَهَزَّمِ

7. The ruler got angry that Khirj didn't flee
And the slave that his water-skin was not stoppered

٧. غَضِبَ المُمَلَّكُ أَنَّ خِرجاً لَم يَفِر
وَالعَبدُ أَنَّ سَقاءَهُ لَم يُخزَمِ

8. The best is the belief you held so be not
Neglectful, and pray towards a site or Zamzam

٨. وَالخَيرُ أَفضَلُ ما اِعتَقَدتَ فَلا تَكُن
هَمَلاً وَصَلِّ بِقُبلَةٍ أَو زَمزِمِ

9. And I found the soul of the free man makes his palm
Yellow, and obligates him with what he was not obliged

٩. وَوَجَدتُ نَفسَ الحُرِّ تَجعَلُ كَفُّهُ
صِفراً وَتُلزِمُهُ بِما لَم يُلزَمِ