
You seek through law to reap rewards, so your pursuit

ترومون بالناموس كسبا فسعيكم

1. You seek through law to reap rewards, so your pursuit
When greed looms is the quest of vermin

١. تَرومونَ بِالناموسِ كَسَباً فَسَعيُكُم
إِذا لاحَت الأَطماعُ سَعيُ نُموسِ

2. No night has counseled you after night
Nor the light of moons and suns that dawned

٢. وَما وَعظَتَكُم لَيلَةٌ بَعدَ لَيلَةٍ
وَلا ضَوءُ أَقمارٍ بَدَت وَشُموسُ

3. We honor a world for people, though some of us
Have ascended in it above the sun's ridge

٣. نُوَقِّرُ دُنيانا لِناسٍ وَبَعضُنا
تَبَوَّأَ مِنها فَوقَ ظَهرِ شَموسِ

4. Alas for specters you have, except that they
Are exiled from their homelands without purpose

٤. فَواهاً لِأَشباحٍ لَكُم غَيرَ أَنَّها
تُبَدَّلُ مِن أَوطانِها بَرموسِ

5. And the greatest of all people's ruins that remain
His days change it with obscurity

٥. وَأَعظَمُ آثارِ الأَنامِ بَقيَّةً
تُغَيّرُهُ أَيّامُهُ بِطُموسِ