
By the mounts and their saddles

أما والركاب وأقتابها

1. By the mounts and their saddles,
Roaming the deserts with their tents,

١. أَما وَالرِكابِ وَأَقتابِها
تَجوبُ الفَلاةَ بِمُجتابِها

2. It puts faith in every devout young man,
Upright and free of doubts,

٢. تُنَصُّ بِكُلِّ فَتىً ناسِكٍ
صَحيحِ النُهى غَيرِ مُرتابِها

3. Whenever a harlot is mentioned in his presence,
He feels no temptation for her.

٣. مَتى ذُكِرَت عِندَهُ مومِسٌ
فَلَيسَ حِذاراً بِمُغتابِها

4. By the mountains of Fihr and their rocks,
And Kaaba of Kaab and its stations,

٤. وَأَجبالِ فِهرٍ وَأَحجارِها
وَكَعبَةِ كَعبٍ وَمُنتابِها

5. And books that show the piety of the King
Among those who study and copy them,

٥. وَكُتبٍ يَبينُ اِتِّقاءُ المَليكِ
في دارِسيها وَكُتّابِها

6. These incidents have been blamed,
But they did not please anyone with their blame.

٦. لَقَد عُتِبَت هَذِهِ الحادِثاتُ
فَلَم تُرضِ خَلقاً بِإِعتابِها