
O people, praise of you has gone as far as it can go

يا أيها الناس جاز المدح قدركم

1. O people, praise of you has gone as far as it can go
And praise falls short of your Master's glory

١. يا أَيُّها الناسُ جازَ المَدحُ قَدرَكُمُ
وَقَصَّرَت عَن مَدى مَولاكُمُ المِدَحُ

2. When they take support from cups that have value
In drinking, the sin they have initiated

٢. إِذا اِستَعانوا بِأَقداحٍ لَها قِيَمٌ
عَلى المُدامَةِ فَالإِثمُ الَّذي قَدَحوا

3. And with them are female listeners they allow
What business do listeners have with what I have praised

٣. وَعِندَهُم مُسمِعاتٌ يَأذَنونَ لَها
ما لِلمَسامِعِ عَمّا قُلنَ مُنتَدَحُ

4. They said the melodies of song are gains for us in the morning
While in my view those are losses for them, out and out

٤. قالوا غَدَونَ مُصيباتِ الغِناءِ لَنا
وَتِلكَ عِندي مُصيباتٌ لَهُم فُدُحُ

5. Of the harlots' garb, donned by one who steals about
Yet they are, after all is said and done, dice players at daybreak ever ready with a throw

٥. عَنِ الطَواويسِ ما يَلبَسنَ مُستَرَقٌ
وَهُنَّ بَعدُ قَماريُّ الضُحى الصُدُحُ